Which engineering program is best at alabama?

<p>I still haven’t decided official on where I will be going(leaning UA no doubt) but I was wondering which engineering program is Alabama known for? Of course I know my choice will come down to what I like and am good at…but its good to know which engineering at UA is better known or more respected or more liked than others.</p>

<p>Thank you all!</p>

<p>UA is making a huge push in Construction Engineering, and just added Architectural Engineering and Environmental Engineering as well. I know that the Metallurgial Engineering has been traditionally strong. I really don’t know enough about the others to comment. </p>

<p>When my ChemE son was doing REU’s, at the time when each student introduced himself at one of the “parent functions”, the program director mentioned that Bama’s ChemE dept is very strong after my son mentioned where he was attending. </p>

<p>that said, my H’s company hires MechE, EE, CompSci, and ComputerE majors from Bama.</p>

<p>Mom2, you have mentioned your H before. Just curious, what does his company do primarily?</p>

<p>Defense industry. Mostly Army contracts. Smart weaponry and Smart anti-missile weaponry. They hire various Eng’rs, CS majors, Physics folks, and Math folks.</p>

<p>M2CK: Perhaps my younger son will run into your H. He will be a math major at UAH (he’ll be the one running all over town – literally).</p>