Which engineering schools should I look at?

<p>Hi guys, which schools for chemical engineering should I look at? My dad really wants me to apply to MIT and CalTech, but I really don't think I would get in. Here are my "stats"</p>

<p>-Unweighted GPA: 3.503 (as of June 2010)
-Weighted GPA: 4.260 (as of June 2010)
-Class Rank: Top 15% (as of Jan 2010)
-ACT Math: 29
-ACT English: 24
-ACT Reading: 24
-ACT Science: 32
-ACT Composite: 27
-AP's: World History-2 (jacked around sophomore year) , Chemistry- Expecting a 5, US History- 3 or 4
-Senior Schedule: AP Gov, AP MacroEconomics, German III Honors, AP German IV, AP Calculus BC, Honors English, Choir, Lab Manager (slight extension of AP Chemistry, not for credit)
-School Activities: Science Club (Treasurer), Science National Honor Society (Vice President), National Honor Society, German Club (Vice President), Choir
-Work Experience: Work at a pool store (since July '09)
-Awards/Recognitions: Rotary Youth Leadership Award, Certificate of Merit on AATG National German Exam</p>

<p>I currently am looking at UT and Purdue, but what are some "reach" schools that I could possibly get into?</p>

<p>good reach schools would be Columbia Fu Engineering and Duke Engineering</p>

<p>Cornell has a good engineering program. You might want to look at that.</p>

<p>virginia tech is known for their engineering program…wouldn’t hurt to take a look.</p>