which extra curricurlars to put on app?

<p>i noticed on some 'chances' threads that the EC's people put down are a lot of the time stuff i wouldnt have even thought to count as an EC. like one person had "CPR Certified" as one... does this really count? if so theres a lot i could add to my resume but i dont want to sound like i am blowing it up. </p>

<p>i wrote a list of like every possible thing ive done if anyone wants to see it, but im not sure how much of it i should put on applications...anyone have some guidelines?</p>

<p>If an item on a resume is only there to fill up space, it'll be pretty obvious that it's useless.</p>

<p>Case in point: Does being CPR certified "count" as an EC? Sure, but it's still pretty boring and won't affect anything.</p>

<p>So you're wasting your time padding your resume.</p>

<p>Taking the time to become CPR certified could "count" if one were planning on a health career since it would demonstrate interest in that field.</p>