Which Florida J-School is better?

<p>I'm going to be transferring colleges soon (from Wisconsin) and I'm torn between the University of Florida and the University of Miami. I want to go to which ever is the better school-- I'll be going for broadcast journalism. They're both pretty reputable, but it's hard to decide. </p>

<p>I haven't been able to find any real rankings that show which is the better school; just opinions. I was thinking that U Miami would be better cause of it's location and connections to internships, but I always hear that UF is the best in the state.</p>

<p>Anyone out there who could give me any information? It'd be greatly appreciated! </p>

<p>Thanks, </p>


<p>UF has one of the best journalism programs in the country–consistently “ranks” top 10 (I put that in quotes, because ranking journalism programs is difficult and often wildly varied).</p>

<p>Yeah, you’re probably right, and it also helps that the tuition is 1/5 less than U Miami. I was just wondering if the extra $ was worth it. Now I just gotta figure out how to get in…</p>

<p>I should be biased because I go to U Miami, but UF supposedly has a better journalism program. You should apply to both though just in case you don’t get into one.</p>

<p>Definetly gonna have to apply to both! I would think since UM is in the city, I’ll probably make alot more “networking” connections to internships and potential employers. Since working in the media is pretty much all about connections, I couldn’t go wrong in Miami either… I wonder if I’ll get special considerations for being born at the UM hospital??? Worth mentioning in the essay.</p>

<p>UM has the better broadcast journalism program! But if you are referring to print journalism, then UF.</p>