Which has less math: Computer science or computer engineering?

Which involves the least amount of math?

Both have lots and lots of math.

I still want to know which has less.

It depends a bit on the college. On average, CS majors probably take roughly the same amount of math as CE majors, give or take a few courses. For one example, computer science at UW-Seattle requires three semesters of calculus with analytical geometry plus one semester of matrix algebra. There’s also a semester of physics, which is usually calculus-based. The computer engineering major requires three semesters of calculus and a semester of matrix algebra as well, but requires two semesters in physics and then 3-6 additional credits inmath or science. Georgia Tech requires three semesters of calculus, linear algebra, differential equations and probabillty and statistics from their computer engineering majors. The computer science majors have to take all that plus a course in combinatorics. So you can see that it’s about the same at both schools.

However, the reason they require you to take all that math is because you’ll be using it in your upper-level classes in the major. So in that sense they have roughly the same amount of math.

The amount of math will be largely similar, though there may be some minor variation from one school to another.

Note that CS courses in algorithms and complexity and theory of computation are basically like math courses (with proofs). In other CS courses, you need to be able to think logically, similar to how you think about math.

Computer scientists do a lot more mathematics than engineers. However, from the perspective of an undergraduate degree, they will be largely similar. CS will be more theoretical mathematics while CE will be more applied mathematics. Other than that, which has more math largely depends on the school.