Which is better? USF 7 year medical program OR pre-med at UM or UF??

<p>I'm a senior in high school and have been accepted to UF,UM,USF Honors, UCF Honors, and some colleges up North (bryn mawr, smith, cornell, columbia (mainly because my mother,father went there)) which I have decided are too expensive.</p>

<p>Does anyone know about USF's 7 year medical program? How good is USF School of Medicine and the program? What are your experiences? Would it be better to attend that program or attend a first tier school such as UM or UF and try applying for other medical schools? Any advice would be appreciated. </p>

<p>If it helps, I'm asian and have good grades (4.4 weighted, 3.98 unweighted), good SAT, good extracurriculars etc...</p>

<p>Any experiences with USF Medical Program???</p>

<p>I believe you are mixing up the University of San Francisco USF, which is a jesuit college and the University of Calif Medical school in San Francisco UCSF, which is ONLY a medical school- but is one the top medical schools on the US. It does not offer a undergraduate education. you’re not the first to make this mistake.</p>



<p>Actually the OP is talking about the University of South Florida which has a regionally known medical program. pianoabrina, do you wish to stay in the general Tampa Bay area? If so, I think USF is fine for that (all my doctors as well as most of the ones that worked in the VA hospital nearby had USF degrees). If not, maybe you should try for the best, cheapest school possible (which is probably UF).</p>

<p>You may want to go see if anyone has written about these schools at the Medical School forum. You can reach it by clicking on “Discussion Home” in the upper left of this screen and then scrolling down. There is an entire sub-forum there dedicated to the 7 year programs.</p>

<p>Wishing you all the best!</p>