Which is more important?

<p>To have an extra EC in the field that you're interested in, or to take a 4th and 5th year of a foreign language??</p>

<p>4th and 5th?</p>

<p>Could you do the EC and just take the 4th?</p>

<p>nope, in order to do the EC, i have to be in the class. its DECA. and i only have one more spot left in my schedule.</p>

<p>What do you want to do in college/career?</p>

<p>Definitely the EC... if it will make you stand out...</p>

<p>is the EC worth not being valedictorian?</p>

<p>Seriously, that is something you have to decide.
In terms of colleges, it will not matter if you are valedictorian. The top colleges all get applicants with great grades. So they can't accept people because of grades alone. They may reject based on grades, but not accept. But they will accept you based on your ECs.</p>

<p>The only reason to be val is because you want to be. Maybe bragging rights or something? I'm not saying you would boast... I'm just saying there is really no other reason...</p>

<p>I would go with the language and focus more on your other ECs.</p>

<p>i think im gonna go with the EC. although its disappointing to see me drop from number 2 to like 20, im still in the top 5% so thats really all i care about.</p>