Which is the best "fit" for this child?

<p>OK- I know we are super late in the process but here goes...</p>

<p>DS has been attending a public charter school specializing in math and science for 7th and now 8th grade. DS likes the school but it has no guidance counselor, sports, music or art due to financial limitations of charter school funding. We are looking at BS and Private day schools in case his current school closes due to money reasons and also because we would like him to have a more well rounded hs experience than his current school can offer. We live in Southern NH and are just looking within 1hr drive of our home. Will consider boarding or day since as long as he is only 1 hr away he can come home on weekends or we can go see him easily. He does not have a preference for size of the school although I think smaller may be more nurturing but larger gives him more options for variety in coursework and exploring different subjects...</p>

<p>Which of these seems to "fit " best? His SSATs are 95% overall (no studying or prep because we didn't want to turn him off on this process and we started late)</p>

<p>current grades :
Mandarin Chinese II A
English A+
World History A-
Physics A-
Geometry A+
Integrated Biology/Chemistry A</p>

<p>ECs: boy scouts: star scout- working towards Eagle, patrol leader, volunteering ect...
piano lessons
ice hockey
student council
lego league robotics</p>

<p>I would describe him as a little nerdy but not nearly as much as other kiddos. He doesn't have to work too hard to get above grades and has no interest in attending summer sessions for gifted kids. He would rather work hard during the year and spend the summer swimming and hanging out with friends. Normally keeps up with his work load which is about 2 grades above his current grade level( 8th grade) - organized pretty well and gets most all homework done at school while waiting for car pool and then only has a little to do at home each night, comes home and plays video games like a normal kid. Relatively quiet/shy although makes friends more easily now that he goes to school with smart kids. Thinks he wants to major in computer science in college at this point but realizes this may likely change. </p>

<p>Here is our list:</p>

Northfield Mount Herman
Derryfield School (local private day)</p>

<p>Do any of these seem like more of a "fit" than the others considering the description of my child above? We have interviews scheduled at all except NMH. Thanks in advance and sorry so long. :)</p>

<p>I think you really need to visit the schools to get a feel for the “fit” of each school for your child. They are all solid schools and your son would get a first rate education at any of them. They have different feels and you can judge that best during your visits. </p>

<p>Won’t NMH be more than 1 hour away from your home?
Why are you not considering St. Paul’s?
Expect a LOT more homework at BS than it seems like your son currently gets at his charter school!</p>

<p>Hi Creative1</p>

<p>Thanks for the input- NMH was just added to the list today - my son liked what he read in the viewbook- so I need to do more research- it may be further than I would like.</p>

<p>We have visited and interviewed at Exeter and he loved it there… Unfortunately our other interviews are not until January which is hard since they are right when apps are due. Maybe we can visit and just walk around campus before hand without an interview… Not sure if that is worth it though…</p>

<p>We did have SPS on our list but after touring the campus and reading the web site for some reason it just didn’t feel right to him… kinda frustrating for me since I loved the campus. He never interviewed there. </p>

<p>As far as homework he did have more last year and many students at his current school do spend 3 hrs a night doing homework. He spends every free minute at school doing homework and then stays after school about 1 hr waiting for car pool so he usually has about 1 hr to do at home. I guess BS will be more since he won’t be able to get any done during the day? Or are there break times during the day he could do some?</p>

<p>Do you think he has a better chance at one vs the other on the list as far as admissions?</p>

<p>Usually, kids will have a free block at BS to get homework done. </p>

<p>Middlesex, NMH and Derryfield have higher acceptance rates, so obviously he will have a greater chance of being accepted at those schools. </p>

<p>I would expect 3-4 hours of homework a night, especially at Exeter. But it sounds like your son might be speedy quick at getting his work done. </p>

<p>I noticed on previous posts., you mentioned his quietness/shyness. I don’t want to generalize, especially not knowing your son, but do you have any concerns regarding his adjustment to boarding school life and dorm life? I just say that because the vast majority of BS students I know are quite outgoing.</p>

<p>Also, since your son seems quite advanced in math and science for his age, make sure the schools you are considering offer adequate courses to keep him engaged for 4 years. I know Andover and Exeter would definitely fit that bill.</p>

<p>Yes, he has been working on the shyness/quietness quite a bit. His teachers this year have noticed a big difference as well as his boy scout leader. He is often raising his hand and participating in class discussions as well as volunteering his patrol to lead things at meetings. Now this is all in adult controlled environments not teen only ones so I do wonder how it would play out boarding. However, he seems up for it- at least for Exeter boarding which is the only one he has seen so far. I outright asked him if he would rather just apply to day schools today and he said- no, boarding at exeter is good. So we’ll see how he feels after seeing the other schools I guess. We loved Derryfield but there was not much technology offered which is a concern since he wants to pursue Computer Science. I wish we lived close enough to be a day student at Exeter as that would probably be the best scenario for me the mom! LOL</p>

<p>Hi PA-C,</p>

<p>Interesting choice between NMH and Exeter. My cousin has been in the college guidance department at NMH for many years and she has often told me that among the reasons she likes the School is that lots of different kinds of kids with different strengths and personalities are happily accepted and make wonderful friends and homes for four years. It’s an inclusive, warm environment with great courses and teachers.</p>

<p>On the other hand (and there’s always that other hand), Exeter offers the highest octane dose of intellectual challenges you could ask for in a high school. For a kid who lives mostly “upstairs,” it would be hard to find a more stimulating option.</p>

<p>What a tough choice!! Maybe NMH would provide a bit more balance for the “whole” child, but if your son is really coming into his own socially already, perhaps Exeter is best. I’m really interested in the final choice. Keep us posted!</p>

<p>While there are some people that don’t quite ‘fit’ at Exeter, your son doesn’t sound like one of them. As a senior, I’ve seen plenty of my classmates evolve from quiet 9th graders (or ‘preps’, as we so affectionately call them, haha), into outgoing and strong seniors. If your son is accepted at Exeter, I think he’d be very happy with the school. I wouldn’t worry so much about shyness. Although, you say he’s been raising his hand more lately… that could be a problem, since I haven’t raised my hand for 4 years :slight_smile: discussion-based classes often help kids ‘come out of their shell’.
I wish you all the best of luck :D</p>

<p>Thanks nandeyane and thacherparent,
It’s nice to have a current student’s perspective!
I have heard great things about NMH, I have to call tomorrow and see if there are any interview slots left.
I hope I will be able to post good news on March 10th and not be one of those posters who justs disappears that I have read about! LOL</p>

<p>Hmmm…I just spoke with a parent of a current freshman who was deciding between Derryfield and NMH (and other bs). They did choose NMH and are very happy so far.</p>

<p>When I pick up my son for break last week, I noticed posters for a Lego tournament! </p>

<p>NMH does have a very warm, welcoming environment which is one of the things which drew us to it. We found that missing at many of the other bs we visited. The academics are still top notch. I think if you visit, you will like it. Coming from Manchester, I would go route 101 west to Keene, then route 10 south. It is exactly 30 minutes south of Keene.</p>


<p>Thanks so much! I scheduled an interview at NMH - I was lucky someone cancelled an appt in January so I grabbed it! That’s interesting about the parent who chose NMH over derryfield. Is their student boarding or day? For us it would be also a difference of day at Derryfield and boarding at NMH.</p>

<p>Their student boards at NMH.</p>

<p>I wanted to put in my 2 cents about NMH. My son was a top student at a private day school. He has found the academics at NMH to be very challenging. So a top student can definitely be challenged.</p>

<p>The really wonderful thing about NMH is the fact that all kinds of kids hang out together. My son has friends from all over with very diversified interests. It was amazing to hear him talk about his friend that sings in an acapello group and how talented he is. </p>

<p>(This does not imply in any way that Exeter is not a great school!!)</p>

<p>Thanks warriorboy648 and keylyme</p>

<p>I was able to get an interview appt for monday Jan 19th which is a day off from school and NMH apps aren’t due until 2/1 so that’ll work out well. I think I also got a postcard about a class visit day coming up at NMH- I have to find it again.</p>

<p>We just had our interview at Andover today which went well but boy were there so so many people there interviewing! It really puts the chances of admission in perspective when you see kid after kid entering the admissions building in just one morning!</p>