<p>Is it better (college admission wise) to only take 2-3 AP classes that you are most interested in and doing well in them OR should someone load up on AP classes (taking more than 4-5) and doing not so well in them? I'm just not sure what to take since it's almost time to sign up for classes for next year, which will be my senior year. Anyway, what looks better to colleges...fewer AP classes, higher grades...or many more AP classes, slightly lower grades?</p>
<p>i'd go for more AP classes and lower grades. it shows that ur dedicated and like a challenge, and can keep up with a rigorous course schedule. but on the other hand, if u do bad on these AP classes, then dont take them.</p>
<p>I'd go for fewer with higher grades. Biting off more than you can chew will not impress admissions officers, and taking only the classes you're interested in will probably make senior year more fun.</p>
<p>Don't base your schedule off of what you think will look more impressive to colleges.</p>
<p>I mean, sure, taking a hard class you wouldn't take otherwise, especially if you do like a challenge and pushing yourself, is not a bad idea.</p>
<p>But I'd take ones that interest me over ones that are just there to look impressive.</p>
<p>It also depends on how many APs you'll be comfortable with, which depends on how many you've taken before, etc. Senior year is probably a bad time to take a huge amount of APs.</p>
<p>fewer with higher grades. i'm actually sort of enjoying my courses this year because finally i picked what <em>i</em> want to study, they're all related, it's interesting. you'll be a much happier person if you're interested in the subject matter and sane enough/getting enough sleep to actually learn the material.</p>
i'm actually sort of enjoying my courses this year because finally i picked what <em>i</em> want to study
<p>Have to agree with deenierah, this has worked for me.</p>
<p>yeah I'm taking seven APs my senior year and I don't really recommend it.</p>
i'd go for more AP classes and lower grades. it shows that ur dedicated and like a challenge, and can keep up with a rigorous course schedule. but on the other hand, if u do bad on these AP classes, then dont take them.
<p>eh, that was self-contradictory.</p>
<p>HS is about experience........about getting ready for greater challenge. It depends on you. What you want to do. There's no one right way. I'd say, do what ever you think is best for you..and for your future...don't spoil ur HS life totally either!</p>
<p>I did more and have lower grades, and I can tell you that it definitely stinks. Go for AP classes in what you really love, and that's it.</p>