Which math classes should I take?

I am a CC student planning on transferring for either Accounting or Econ.
I have been looking at class requirements for a few schools and most say I need to take Calc and Statistics.
Here is where it gets tricky.
Most schools say I can take either Brief Calculus, or Calculus 1 to fulfill their requirement.</p>

<p>I am currently taking College Algebra.</p>

<p>At my school, you can get into Brief Calculus with just college algebra.</p>

<p>To get into Calculus 1 you need to to take either MAT 171 and MAT 172 (precalculus algebra and precalculus trig) to get into the class. That would be 5 semesters of Math, I only have time for 4 semesters of math including Statistics.</p>

<p>Or I can take a placement test and try to get into MAT 175- Precalc and just take algebra-pre-calc-calc-statistics.</p>

<p>So which would be the best route to take? Just take Brief Calc and Stats after Algebra, or take a placement test, get into MAT 175, then Calc 1?</p>

<p>It depends on you. </p>

<p>I went to Baruch College for a high school summer Precalculus and Elements of Calculus. The textbook we used was Applied Calculus for Business, Finance and etc… It was very geared toward business and finance majors ie. optimization, related rates, derivates, etc… and I think would actually help if you’re finance or accounting. However, I could be wrong but that’s what I was getting from the textbook and the class. So, I guess that could be similar to your Brief Calculus. </p>

<p>However, if you want to a Calculus I class and learn more (There was definitely more material in my calculus I class at CCNY), I suggest you selfstudy (Shouldn’t be too hard, there are videos on youtube that help <em>cough</em>PatrickJMT<em>cough</em>, there are schaum’s outlines, review books, textbooks and all of them are found in your library). </p>

<p>If you major just requires college algebra and brief calculus, it’s perfectly okay to go down that route but if you’re interested in learning, go do the selfstudy and placement test or take the longer sequence. </p>

<p>It depends on how much you’re willing to learn and how to</p>