Which math subject test should my son take?

<p>Math is neither his strength nor his favorite subject. Since he started earning math credits, I estimate his average to be about 85% - 87% (all honors and one AP). </p>

H Algebra I (8th)
H Geometry (9th)
H Algebra II (10th)
H Trig (11th)
AP Stat & Prob (11th)</p>

<p>Do you think he's better suited for the Math I or Math II Subject test? </p>


<p>PS: He's taking US History subject test in Dec. And the World History test in May/June. Math would be his 3rd.</p>

<p>Since he has taken trig, I vote for the Math Level II because the curve is so much nicer.</p>

<p>Really? Interesting. </p>

<p>Just curious, how does one find out about one curve being nicer than another?</p>

<p>I’d suggest buying the collegeboard “official study guide” for math 1/2 ; the book has two real tests for each level so your son can see the difference. The level 2 tests are harder but are more generously curved: you can get more incorrect but still get a high score. However level 1 may make more sense if your son is not going into any kind of math-related field …</p>

<p>Math II definitely. </p>

<p>My friend took both after having trig and actually got 30 points or so lower (due to the curve) on her Math I even though she felt it was MUCH easier.</p>

<p>no, i’d definitely say Math I - if you haven’t taken precalc, Math II would be nearly impossible to do well on. i know he’s taken trig, but he’d be safer with Math I.</p>

<p>Depends what score he wants</p>

<p>So far the advice is </p>

<p>2 vote for Math II
1 vote for Math I
1 vote for practice both, then decide
1 vote for “depends what score he wants”</p>

<p>Regarding the last, he’d like something in the 700’s. The higher the better, obviously. Now that you know that, do you have any specific advice, Degeneration?</p>

<p>I second the vote for having him take the practice tests and seeing how he does.
It is my understanding that most colleges (with the exception of the UC system)
don’t care which math you take if you are not going into a math/science related
field. My D did have precalc, but doesn’t work quickly in math. Despite the more
generous curve for math 2, she didn’t do well in the practice tests due to time issues.
On the math 1, she was able to score over 700 on both the practice test and the real
one – a score with which she was satisfied. Other kids, who work more quickly, will
likely do better on the math 2. One area to consider is facility with graphing calculator.
My D’s school de-emphasizes the use of calculators in their math courses – this was one
reason the math 2 took her so much time. Those who have great facility with using their
graphing calculator for more complex equations may have no problem.</p>

<p>Provided your son’s target schools don’t have a preference, I’d suggest Math 1: the scope is more narrow, and it will take less time and effort to prepare.
Trying both Levels 1 and 2 practice tests from SparkNotes website (or books) could also help deciding (I usually leave the CB practice tests for the final prep stage).</p>