Which Microsoft Certified is in demand?

Microsoft Office Specialist or Microsoft Database Technology Specialist? I am also entering in Information Technology and Accounting Field.


I could be off base here as I have only interned for a few companies, but I don’t think they really matter much. If you don’t have a degree or experience, then they could help, but I’ve never once heard them mentioned.

From a probably not so credible forum post:

Link: http://geekswithblogs.net/dlussier/archive/2013/09/01/153907.aspx

Many more blog type references share the same opinion.

As a software developer, the VP of our company really pushes us to get certified. However, many of the brightest people at our company do not have them. We spend all of our time programming and don’t have time to study the nuances or book material for the certification.

One of my “goals” this year is to take the test. It’s something that is considered come around annual review time in getting a small pay bump or an edge as a promotion over someone else.