Which of the following AP tests won't be of much help?

<p>I want to get as many GE’s out of the way as possible, and I have 7 AP tests I can take this year. But my income is extremely low, and financial aid at my school only lowers it to $35 a pop. So I’m thinking I won’t take the tests unless they get me out of GE’s. So here are the tests:</p>

Calculus AB
English Language
English Literature
Music Theory
U.S. Government and Politics</p>

<p>Already passed U.S. History, Chemistry, and European History. Thanks in advanced, I really just can’t afford to take 7 tests. I also applied to LA, SD, SB, and Cal if that helps.</p>

<p>I don’t know much about UCs but I’m pretty sure most schools only take Lit OR Lang, not both. Take the easier one (which I’m pretty sure is Lang).</p>

<p>If you get a 4/5 on English Language and Literature you can bypass the entire entry writing series at UCI
Bio is good for Ge life science requirement for non bio majors
Cal AB is good for Calc 1 credit</p>

<p>Music theory is elective credit
Gov is just elective credit</p>

English Lang+Lit
Music Theory</p>

<p>in that order</p>

<p><a href=“http://marshall.ucsd.edu/pdfs/ap_chart.pdf[/url]”>http://marshall.ucsd.edu/pdfs/ap_chart.pdf&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>this is the AP credit for marshall (its in PDF and chart form so i liked it :slight_smile:
but here is all the colleges:
[Advanced</a> Placement Credit](<a href=“http://www.ucsd.edu/catalog/front/APCredit.html]Advanced”>http://www.ucsd.edu/catalog/front/APCredit.html)</p>

<p>PS: why are you taking both: English Language / English Literature
you take either english course you should be free from the college writing entry exam and 8 credits [im sure you dont need both]</p>

<p>also depends on your major/college. AB Calc won’t do much for engineering types, whereas Gov may fulfill a distributive requirement.</p>