<p>hi im a chinese. so far i have been admitted to those three universitys ( UPJ __ upitts at johnstown)
my major is accounting
what to know which one is the best fit me.
IUB's Kelly business school is great but i havent been direct admitted to it ,also the tution is higher.
upitts ranks higher but i faced the option program..:(
msu..too many chinese
BTW Purdue waitlisted me . Should i expect a change?</p>
<p>plz ingore my gramma and spelling mistakes.cuz it is 3am Beijing time . really sleepy =_=
anyway looking farward to your reply
good night
hope my random style doesnt ruin the acdemic atomosphere here</p>
<p>MSU = Michigan State University? (There’s also Mississippi State, Missouri State, Minnesota State, Montclair State, Morehead State, Midwestern State…)</p>
<p>IUB = Indiana University Bloomington? (IUB most often refers to the International University Bremen around here.)</p>
<p>michigan state university
indiana blommington</p>
<p>dont even know there all so many MSU
received a rej from OSU</p>