Which Online School?


Is anyone familiar with Indiana Wesleyan, SHNU or Kaplan?
I noticed that Indiana Wesleyan and Kaplan do not make you take prerequisites such as Math, English etc, but SHNU does.
Are those courses really needed?


I see your “Motivated”, are you active duty or prior service? I have looked into this extenaively and found that Park University is the best way to go. It doesn’t have the national recognition like SNHU, which because of all the advertising is probably a good thing. Any college that advertises as much as these ones you mentioned do, they probably aren’t viewed favorably. They are viewed more as businesses that educational institutions by many employers who still aren’t say on the value of online degrees. Park will maximize your military experience into credit waivers, or certified life experience. It is regionally accredited, with good business school accreditation. Is non-profit, and priced well. I just graduated from there and have been accepted to the Masters program in the school of business at Western Carolina University. Hope that helps you any.