Which option would you recommend

<p>Hi all,</p>

<p>Can someone help me out with this decision of mine, which is better beginning college in the Summer or just Fall?</p>

<p>I am a accepted transfer student and will be in Honors College, I have had my mind set on going to school in the Fall but recently have been weighing my options of going in the Summer. I have a few question so here it goes:</p>

<p>Does Honors College have its own personal summer courses, with smaller classes?</p>

<p>Would summer be a better time to get to know the school, meet new people, have a “foot in the door” before fall?</p>

<p>Is there some type of housing for just the summer or would I have to move into my apartment early?</p>

<p>Is going to summer any different vs. fall?</p>

<p>Anyone with a story or experience with this situation are welcome to reply.</p>

<p>I am really open to anything as of now since I have some time left, but any and all input is welcome… Roll Tide Roll ;}</p>

<p>I don’t see any advantage to starting in the summer.</p>

<p>I don’t know if the HC has any summer classes. Go into MyBama and go to Look up Classes, and select last summer’s schedule and see if there are any.</p>

<p>If you go in the summer, it would be better to get your apt early so you don’t have to move twice in a short time</p>

<p>One thing to keep in mind about summer is what courses you would be taking. I know that it is recommended for some STEM majors that they not take math and/or science courses in the summer. Being a transfer student if you are down to mostly your core classes I can not see an advantage starting in the summer. If you have 2 or 3 courses you need that are minor to your major field of study, then those may be an option. I would recommend speaking with an advisor before attending summer school.</p>

<p>Summer classes happen really fast. If you get sick or have an issue with a particular section of the material, it can get away from you quickly. Just something to consider.</p>

<p>There is on-campus housing for those attending UA. Discuss w/ the Housing Dept/Office.</p>

<p>How many years of college do you already have? Is there something specific you need before you start in the fall? The courses are somewhat limited in #, and as mentioned go lickety-split fast. Unless there is a specific class that you need to take, I would recommend starting in the fall with the majority of others. Good luck!</p>

<p>There are a lot more new/transfer student events in the fall than there are in the summer. Campus is also a lot more lively in the fall than it is during the summer, so there will be more people to meet and things to do.</p>

<p>Just ENJOY your summer!</p>