<p>Hi I am transfering this fall from a ccc and I am still deciding on a school.</p>
<p>If anyone has any opinions about the psych programs for undergrads at these UCs can you help me out??</p>
<p>UC davis
Uc irvine
and UC SB</p>
<p>Hi I am transfering this fall from a ccc and I am still deciding on a school.</p>
<p>If anyone has any opinions about the psych programs for undergrads at these UCs can you help me out??</p>
<p>UC davis
Uc irvine
and UC SB</p>
<p>i’ve got a bunch of friends studying psych at UCSB. i’m not sure how it compares, but they all rave about their classes and professors.</p>
<p>You can go to the websites of each of the school you’re interested in and look at what the department specializes in and see if you’re willing to study with the people who have the most depth in that knowledge of the field in that part of psychology. It is a large branch and any UC should have a good offering in their psychology department.</p>
<p>Read the research that was done by professors in each university</p>
<p>Look at the research the professors have done, and ask yourself, do I want to study under this professor who has the best up to date knowledge on this topic in psychology.</p>
<p>That really depends, you should focus more on your area of interest.</p>
<p>if you are majoring in Psych you will have to go to grad school in the long run, so in the short run for your undergraduate career i would be more concerened about school atmosphere and where you want to be for the next four years than the “best program” when comparing three schools with three excellent programs that are relatively the same in that field. </p>
<p>For grad school you can go all out and really be picky about which psych program you want as they will focus on different parts of psych, clinical, industrial, etc… it will matter much more for you come grad time than now.</p>