<p>4 of the colleges on my list (Penn, Cornell, CMU, UVA) require SAT IIs. They all require a math (I will take Math IIc), but they differ on the requirements for the second test. Penn and UVA don't care what the second SAT II is, while Cornell and CMU "strongly recommend" (i.e. "require") a science SAT II. </p>
<p>Question 1.) What SAT IIs should I take? I know I am taking Math IIc, but I need suggestions on the other ones. I feel I could do the best on US History, well on literature, and ok on Biology-E. Trouble is, I last took a biology class in sophomore year (I am a junior) and it mainly focused on molecular biology. But I feel I am much better with environmental biology, thus my reasoning behind preferring the Biology-E SAT II. Here is my core class schedule for this year for reference: AP English Language & Composition, AP Calculus BC, AP US History, AP Spanish V, Honors Quantitative Chemistry. I am best in History and English, worst in Spanish. </p>
<p>Question 2.) When should I take the tests? I am taking the SAT in March, and the AP Tests for US History/Calc BC/Eng. Lang. & Comp. in May. I have the May and June SAT test dates open. What tests should I take on what days? BTW, my school does block scheduling. I had AP English & Spanish V last semester, AP Calc BC and APUSH now, and Quantitative Chemistry year round. Would it be better to take the SAT II US Hist (If I do) in May near the AP test, or in June near my class final?</p>
<p>Question 3.) How should I prepare for these tests? I plan on buying books and self-studying after school and on weekends, I don't believe in test-prep courses and tutors, I feel they can't help me as much as I can, plus they are $$$. What book are best for what subjects? Should/could I use the same review books for both the AP and SAT II tests? Should I self-study a biology textbook if it would behoove me to take the SAT II Biology-E?</p>
<p>Sorry for all the questions - I am kind of overwhelmed with all these evil standardized tests staring me down!</p>
<p>Thanks in advance!</p>