<p>Hey all.</p>
<p>This is along the lines of the "Is this schedule too heavy?" type threads.</p>
<p>I have two options.</p>
<p>1.) Chem 105, Chem 112B, Math 53, Physics 7B. </p>
<p>2.) Chem 105, Chem 112B, Math 53, ISF 60 (for fun.) Physics will be taken over summer.</p>
<p>Now there are different factors I'm considering. Both chemistry classes are set in stone. Chem 105 is essentially an instrumentation and analysis class, while Chem 112B is second semester organic chemistry.</p>
<p>Option 1, would you guys think it's too hard? I'd like to get everything out of the way, but I'm not sure if that'd be too much. I realize everyone has their own conceptions of what "too hard" would be, so I'm just trying to gather as many opinions as possible.</p>
<p>Option 2 seems more sensible. But thumbing through CC, I've found various stories about how Physics 7B over the summer is ridiculous. I appreciate any input!</p>