<p>Hello! So I'm debating between the University of California: Irvine and Point Loma Nazarene University at this point.
Can anyone give me some pros/cons. What looks better...things like that.
I've been leaning towards UCI because I've heard there's a lot of research opportunities for undergrad. I will be bio major at either of these schools.</p>
<p>Thanks! </p>
<p>Point Loma is a religious school.
It’s not a matter of which is “better” strictly speaking - Point Loma is better if nurturing your faith, being surrounded by Christian students, having Christian professors and respecting a code of ethics&behavior consistent with the faith, matter to you.
If they don’t, then UCI is a better university. If they do, then PLNU is better. It’s a very personal choice.</p>
<p>Good point. I’m religious either way so for me it wasn’t that much of a deciding factor. I’m honestly content with which ever school. I was just curious to know which was better academically. Or if the extra money for Point Loma was worth it (smaller class sizes). </p>