Which schools do you regret not applying (or applying) to?

<p>My regret: I wish I had applied to Vassar. It's a great school and it would have been a good match for me but in all the application rush and what not, it got overlooked. Now, it wouldn't have been so bad if fastwebs hadn't shown me over 30 links for vassar scholarships...(lol)</p>

<p>So, where do you wish had applied to? And better yet, where do you wish you hadn't?</p>

<p>I wish i had applied to NYU. dnt no why i didnt. maybe bc so many ppl from my school where applyin already. o well. whats done is done.</p>

<p>I sometimes wish I applied to Columbia, but I got into my first choice, so it’s not a huge regret.</p>

<p>I regret not applying to Hopkins; I regret applying to Duke.</p>

<p>I regret not applying to Wellesley because I found out later that it has a free application fee.</p>

<p>Also I think I should have applied to at least one ivy, like Brown. I didn’t apply because I thought it was a waste of money… sigh.</p>

<p>I regret not applying to Dartmouth. It was a dream school for such a long time, but I always thought I didn’t have any chance. I also regret not applying to UPenn.</p>

<p>I regret not applying to Wellesley… I just didn’t think I could get in. Same goes for Georgetown and a few others.</p>

<p>I don’t regret anything, but I wish that I had applied to McGill.</p>

<p>Oh I also forgot, I regret not applying to Grinnell since the app was free, and Rice, since they actually expressed some kind of interest in me but I didn’t know how good they were until it was too late. Still, they weren’t my first choices.</p>

<p>I regret not applying to Northwestern, but app fees were just getting soo excessive and my dad limited me to only paying for 4 app fees.</p>

<p>So I’m not like really super upset about it or anything, I still have wonderful schools to choose from if I get accepted.</p>

<p>i regret not applying to more northern schools.
I would have had a better chance there :P</p>

<p>I regret applying to the University of Florida. I just got in to my first choice, and now I feel like if I’m accepted at UF I’ll be taking away an admission spot from someone who could really want it (considering how many friends I have that are dying to get in, and the fact that I never really wanted to go there). I’m considering canceling my application, but my parents are understandably concerned about the fact that they’ve already paid the app fee.</p>

<p>I wish I’d applied to a DC school since I’m doing international studies/poli sci…</p>

<p>I don’t regret applying anywhere, but I kinda sorta regret not applying to Swarthmore or Haverford.</p>

<p>I only sort of regret applying to as many places as I did.
But I definitely don’t want to add any more to that list. Though there were plenty more colleges I looked at.</p>

<p>Out of high school wish I applied to Dartmouth and Amherst, maybe Williams and Penn. Luckily applied to a better selection of schools as a transfer and got in!</p>

<p>^^^that’s really great. Not a lot of transfers tend to be that successful :)</p>

<p>I regret not applying to Rutgers.</p>

<p>Other than that, I think I got a good list of schools applied to. I should have applied Early Action to Northeastern though.</p>

<p>Wish I had applied to:</p>

<p>George Washington U
Reed College</p>

<p>I wish I’d applied to Brandeis.</p>