Which schools seem like options for me?

<p>My last thread was really long winded which is why I didn't get any responses. This one is shorter and better organized.</p>

<p>Current Grade Level: Junior</p>


<p>PSAT: 201. National merit commended student (I'm waiting to see if I am a semifinalist).</p>

<p>SAT: 2160
Math: 740
Reading: 690 (is this a reason to take it again?)
Writing: 730</p>

<p>SAT II's: registered to take in a few weeks. I can easily get a high 700's on math I and low 700's on Chemistry.</p>

<p>AP's: Did not get scores back yet, but I know that I got in these ranges:
English Language: 4/5
Psychology: 4/5
Chemistry: 2/3</p>

<p>ACADEMICS: I attend a parochial school with a dual curriculum, so any course that you don't recognize is a Judaic class. My school does not give A+</p>

<p>Freshman and Sophomore years: Unweighted GPA 3.6/3.7ish. All honors and accelerated courses, except for Judaic stuff which is college prep.</p>

<p>Junior Year:</p>

<p>AP English Language and Composition: A-
AP Chemistry: A-
AP Psychology: A
Honors American History: A/A-
Accelerated Pre-Calculus: B
Tanach (College Prep): A
Talmud (College Prep): A-
Hebrew Language: A-</p>

<p>Courses for next year (Senior):</p>

<p>AP English Literature
AP Statistics
AP Biology
Calculus (not tracked)
Jewish History (not tracked)
Talmud (College Prep)
Tanach (College Prep)
Hebrew Language (College Prep)</p>


<p>-Varsity Wrestling: 4x varsity starter. 2x Captain. Junior record 16-5, Sophomore record 15-6 (I think), Freshman record 6-12 (pathetic, but it was my first year). I was able to wrestle on par with district and regional place winners with only 3 years of wrestling experience. 2x most improved, 1x MVP. 2x 3rd place in national yeshiva tournament, 1x first place. I've been heavily involved in wrestling clubs and camps these past few years.</p>

<p>-Varsity Soccer: 2x varsity. Joined the team this year with virtually no experience. I was able to improve my game enough to be a regular player. Next year I will be a starter.</p>

<p>-West Point Summer Leadership Seminar. For more information on that go here: </p>

<p>USMA</a> Admissions: More Info: Summer Program</p>

<p>-I took an introductory law course at Columbia University last summer in which I received an A. This was not for college credit. My instructor wrote in his evaluation that he would unequivocally recommend me to the college of my choice.</p>

<p>-Over the past few summers, I have worked various jobs, such as golf caddying, construction, and painting (not the art kind, the building a house kind).</p>

<p>-Next summer, I will take an introductory course in Business at Columbia University. I am also taking an all-day EMT training course 3 days a week so I can be an EMT by next school year. I will also be doing a lot of wrestling.</p>

<p>Which of the following schools seem like options for me?</p>

<p>University of Pennsylvania
University of Miami
University of Miami Honors Program
NYU Stern
NYU (regular)
University of Michigan
Brandeis University
Washington University
George Washington University

<p>You are certainly an interesting and very unique applicant. I’ll chance you, but you might have extremely good luck in the process do to your originality. So these are more pessimistic numbers, but not too much so.</p>

<p>University of Pennsylvania- 10-15% Penn is very hard to get into for anyone. I take it you would likely apply to Wharton, an applicant pool that is one of the best in the nation, so it will certainly be a challenge.</p>

<p>University of Miami- In. UMiami is a good school and pretty predictable for admissions.
University of Miami Honors Program- Maybe, maybe not, depending on the quality of your essays. Believe it or not your essays are really, really important, so spend lots of time this summer refining them.</p>

<p>NYU Stern- 30% Stern is hard to get into, just like Wharton.
NYU (regular)- 75%. But if you want Stern, go for it.</p>

<p>Duke- 15%. Again, difficult to get into and it’s very popular.</p>

<p>University of Michigan- You will be competing against in state kids with average GPAs of 3.8 and average ACTs of 29, so your chances are slim (25%). Calculate your UMichigan GPA by removing your freshmen year and counting only core classes (math, science, history, english, foreign language, computer courses) and see if that raises your GPA to a 3.8. If so, your chances are more like 40%</p>

<p>Brandeis University- 40%</p>

<p>Northwestern- 20% or so. It’s competitive, but a little less so than the ivies.</p>

<p>Stanford- 15%. Again, the applicant pool is too crowded.</p>

<p>Columbia- Considering your past connection with Columbia I would say 25-30% (conservatively)</p>

<p>Washington University (in St. Louis?) - 20% or so, just like Northwestern.</p>

<p>George Washington University - 60%, maybe 75%</p>

<p>Harvard- 10%. Yeah, it’s ridiculous, but people wouldn’t love it if it wasn’t. Don’t be discouraged from applying. Crazy things happen!</p>

<p>Chance me back?
<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/718960-chance-me-i-will-love-you-forever.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/718960-chance-me-i-will-love-you-forever.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>bump 10char</p>

<p>University of Pennsylvania- Which school? Wharton? If so, 10%
University of Miami- Be very shocked if you didn’t get in.
University of Miami Honors Program- Your SAT scores and GPA make you eligible…whether or not that means you’ll get in remains to be seen.<br>
NYU Stern- 35%
NYU (regular)- 80%
Northwestern- 25%
Stanford- 10%
Columbia- CAS? 20%
Washington University- 25%
George Washington University- 60%
Harvard- 10%</p>

<p>Stanford, Harvard and Wharton are hard to get into no matter what your application looks like. Your SAT scores are in the median for some of these schools but on the low end for others (basically the sub 50% ones). You might want to think about retaking. Also, a lot will ride on the SATII scores and your ability to show mastery in a variety of subjects with those tests…and I think some of these schools might even ask for 3 subject tests but I’m not 100% sure.</p>

<p>What about normal penn, not wharton? Also, what would make or break whether I get into University of Miami Honors? What can I improve on that would raise my chances the most?</p>

<p>^ Penn regular is around 20%. UMiami Honors will depend on the quality of your essays, which is also what you can work on improving the most. Refine them as much as possible over the summer until you have essays you are extremely proud of. Essays will basically distinguish you from every other Wharton/Stern/Honors hopeful. Good luck! :)</p>

<p>very interesting applicant</p>

<p>University of Pennsylvania - 20%
University of Miami - 99%
University of Miami Honors Program - Not familiar, but maybe 30%
NYU Stern - 25%
NYU (regular) - 75%
Duke - 50%
University of Michigan - 80%
Brandeis University - 80%
Northwestern - 50%
Stanford - Crapshoot … 1/5?
Columbia - Crapshoot … 1/4-15?
Washington University - In? Not completely sure.
George Washington University - 85%
Harvard - 1/5-1/6ish?</p>

<p>Very nice profile. You’ll get in somewhere great. Chance back please.
<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/718879-junior-chance-thread-mainly-lacs-sunys.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/718879-junior-chance-thread-mainly-lacs-sunys.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Why is it so much higher for duke than for Stanford? Aren’t they on the same level?</p>

<p>All of those schools look like High Matches/Reaches to me. The problem is you invested so much time into wrestling that you have nothing else that separates you from anyone else. I am also a varsity wrestler ( 119 last year and now 125) and I know it takes up a lot of time and effort cutting weight and things of that sort, but that does not give you an excuse to falter on other areas. Make sure your SAT II’s are high. I think you should apply Columbia ED?</p>

<p>well, what areas would say I have faltered in?</p>