Which schools should I apply?

Gpa: 3.6 UW
Sat: 1520
Sat2 math: 800
APs (all 5): Statistics, Calc BC, Macroeconomics
Senior year courses: physics c, ap cs, ap cp, multivariable calc…

My EC:
Fencing (3 yrs)
Chess Club VP
Marching Band (2yrs)

  • Helping disabled kids
  • School tutoring

I am considering CS and/or statistics for my major.
Which schools should I consider?

Your state flagship’s honors college as well as most flagships’ honors colleges.
Run the NPC: what’s your budget?

In state schools, UIUC for Comp sci!

Thanks for your reply. I don’t live in Illinois so I am not too sure what my chances are for UIUC.

Look for schools that are in state for you. If you love a Comp Sci school ED it, but make sure it’s ur number 1 choice .