Which Science Classes to take?

<p>I am a Junior in high school and I want to prepare for Nursing School in a few years. I am currently in Honors Chemistry, and I already took Honors Biology. I was wondering what classes I should take next year to best prepare myself for Nursing School. My school offers:
-Honors Biology 2 (Anatomy and Physiology)
-AP Chemistry
-AP Bio
-Honors Physics</p>

<p>I would be okay with taking two sciences next year, I just can't take 2 AP Science classes at once because they are 2 periods each.</p>


<p>This is a great question: akin to either Oscar or Jim (rather than Dwight or Kevin). A&P is a great class to take as it will make your college level course a bit more familiar. Bio is probably a bit more applicable, but seriously, taking either AP Chem or Bio would be terrific. Which of the two are you most comfortable with? Perhaps AP Chem back to back after Honors Chem would give you the best chance of scoring an A and a 4 or 5 in the AP Exam. Physics would be nice if you’re considering PreHealth.</p>

<p>With those choices, I’d suggest Honors Bio and AP Chem. If you were only going to take one, most people would take AP Bio.</p>

<p>Even if you get AP science credit, some people hesitate to use it. That is because an AP class by itself might not be enough preparation for the next college level of science classes. Another option if you get AP credit is to audit the class, so you still get the credit, but you can learn the material again to prepare for the next level. </p>

<p>Some schools make you take the labs, even if you get the AP credit. Some colleges will give you credit for the labs if you maintain an excellent lab book and show it to them.</p>