Which scores should I send?

<p>I have taken the ACT 3 times. The latest (Dec) i obviously do not know the scores to and will have to send them to colleges blindly in order to get to them on time...im hoping for a 30+
Anyways, I got a 28 the other two times I took it. The breakdowns are:
31 English
29 Math
26 Reading
25 Science
30 Combined English and Writig (9 out of 12 essay)</p>


<p>34 English
26 Math
30 Reading
22 Science
31 Combined English and Writing (8 out of 12 essay)</p>

<p>What I need some advice on is which scores I should sent. I do not want to send just the Dec ones in case it is lower, but should I sent just on of the above? And should I send all three to colleges that superscore like WashU? Will it "hurt" me to send in these "poor" scores to schools like Yale, Northwetern, etc. even if I do better on the Dec. test? Do I take the chance that I did really well in Dec and not send in these scores so selective schools do not see them but risk having a worse Dec. score, or do I sent in the Dec and 1 or both of these as well?</p>

<p>Thanks in advance.</p>

<p>bump…anyone? please…i need to know this ASAP. Thanks.</p>

<p>I heard that colleges only look at your best score.
Send them all, unless one is just way below others.
If you think they are pretty much the same, let the college decide for you.</p>

<p>bump…i guess these 2 scores are pretty much the same, but won’t it be expensive to send all 3 to 10 schools??? anyone think i should just send one of the above along w/ the december 1? does the 22 science in the 2nd test look bad, even though the english shot up to a 34?</p>