Which section is hardest to get a 36 in??

<p>Personally I say English. Maybe Math.</p>

<p>Anyone else?</p>

<p>SCIENCE. (10 char)</p>

<p>Personally… English… Too many questions and a great chance of missing one question.</p>

<p>English is also the only section where getting 1 wrong still rounds up to a 36 because there are so many questions. However, having said that the actual questions are ridiculously easy on it so I’d definitely say science because they’re analytic questions where you have no time to analyze because you have like 30 seconds a question on top of having to read things (I got a 36 on it and I still thought it was really hard compared to the rest).</p>

<p>Science, no doubt about it.</p>

<p>Science ftw.</p>

<p>Science! Every other section is about knowing something or being able to pick out information, but for the Science section you just need to read charts. And trust me: when you don’t have enough time, it’s easier to know something than to analyze something.</p>

<p>science is the killer.</p>

<p>English is for me</p>

<p>science -.-
it’s a guessing game for me</p>

<p>Reading =.= it’s so long for me and so lil time</p>

<p>S said Science</p>

<p>for me reading. hate it.</p>

<p>Science. It’s impossible!</p>

<p>Science! Arrrg.</p>

<p>order of difficutly from easiest to hardest</p>


<p>Easiest to hardest for me:</p>

Reading @_@</p>

<p>easiest to hardest for me:
Math - my best subject, got a 36 in Oct

<p>Easiest to hardest:</p>

<p>English (36 on average)
Reading (35 on average)
Math (28 on average)
Science (24 on average)</p>

<p>Yeah, I know I’m unbalanced. I’m in Calculus and I still get stuck on some of those math problems. </p>

<p>Don’t even get me STARTED on the Science either; no matter hard I study I have never finished on time, even when zooming my way through it. I always get the Conflicting Viewpoints done the fastest, but the graph interpretations kill me. I just can’t read and understand them fast enough :(</p>

<p>Easiest to hardest:</p>

<p>Math (36)
Science (36)
English (36)
Reading (34)</p>