<p>Uncharacteristically, I’m going to attempt to get this thread back on topic. The original question from gmankiw was "which service academy is the most physically rigorous? "</p>
<p>is2day4him gave an on topic response which I think went to the real point, and after that others, myself included begin to stray quite far from the topic so I’d like to bring it back and respond more directly to gmankiw’s points and underlying questions.</p>
<p>"I’ve heard West Point has the most rigorous summer military training(beast) and plebe year. While, Kings Point is the easiest, 2 week indoc. Airforce remains almost as rigorous as Annapolis and CGA. is this true?</p>
<p>"I know in order to serve country, you have to be physically in shape. However, I am afraid that I may not be physically tough enough. I still want to serve country in the least physically demanding but most academically demanding academy…
- Any idea or thought?"</p>
<p>Each Federal Academy is both physically and mentally demanding in it’s own way and uniquely in ways that are driven by the overall program (regimental, academic, and extra-curricular) they run which to a fair degree is very influenced by the life and career which they are preparing you for. Each of those “primary” careers is different and career service members each will joke and have at times gallows humour which doesn’t translate well outside the individual services or in the case of KP - the maritime industry but is reflective of the hardships a successful, long career in them entails. All that said, personally I feel at the end of the day the physical training program at all the Academies is and needs to be for the successful attendee - the easy part. It’s really just a means to an end and the end is it’s all just a way to drive you to mentally condition yourself to block out distractions including pain from physical rigor, and maintain the calm and rationale mental attitude to lead in the face of adversity - even extreme adversity. Further, the inital reporting/training period be it “beast” or KP’s two week indoctrination is just the the beginning of an intense first year program in all 5 Academies programs. KP only has a two week indoctrination because unlike the other schools it’s on an 11 month Academic Calander with three trimesters - each of which basically crams a 16 week Semester of work into 14 weeks, additionally even after Indoctrination - Plebe Candidates, Pleabe and 4th Classmen - in other words for your entire first year - 11 months - you have duties and responsibilities that first years at other Academies don’t have - for example Cleaning Stations, etc. All of which means you are likely to find yourself at least once during a regimental training period after you’ve stood watch and not gotten much, if any sleep for 24+ hours being physically challenged. The point is is2day4him hit the nail on the head - if before you even show up - you are looking for - the easiest way to serve your country you’re in for a very long haul regardless of which of the 5 Academies you choose. Further I wouldn’t bet on you making it through unless you have some sort of “aha” moment, “put on your big boy pants” and like Nike says “just do it” or if you pick KP adopt the school motto “acta non verba.”</p>
<p>It’s now March, if you are going to one of the five service academies this summer, you’vve got time, get off the couch and get into shape, you’ve got plenty of time. Either way, if you do or don’t it won’t matter which one you poick, you will likely be challenged more than you are used to at this point of your life. If you decide to “just do it” and work at it, you’ll probably get through successfully, though if you show up in shape, your life will be a lot easier and the odds of that a lot higher. All that said your attitude and internal mental drive will be even more important to your odds of success.</p>
<p>Those are my thoughts. Good Luck!</p>