Which should i take first for my freshmen year, biology or chemistry?

<p>I dont feel confident in taking both chemistry and biology my freshmen year. Which would be better for me to take first chemistry or biology.</p>

<p>Chemistry, unless you are a bio major then you should take biology.</p>

<p>Why don’t you feel comfortable taking both? As long as you’re not taking a ton of credits, it shouldn’t be a problem.</p>

<p>Whenever you take chemistry, you should take organic right after general. So if you’re not confident in chemistry, it wouldn’t be the worst to start chem as a sophomore. I still think that you should be fine starting as a freshman though.</p>

<p>You should discuss this with your academic advisor and premed advisor. The answer depends on the strength of your high school preparation in both fields, the usual routes at your college, how demanding the intro courses are, and your current intended major.</p>

<p>You need to take at least 2 science classes or more every semester. Gen Chem is an easy class. You should feel more confident otherwise, how is it going to work for you, taking, for eaxamle, Orgo + Cell Bio + Possibly some other science claat at the same time next year?</p>