<p>I'd hate to live in New York; too much pollution and too busy; Ah!
<p>I don’t know why Nevada came to mind, but I’m going with that.</p>
<p>Utah, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming…that general area.</p>
<p>I would say California, but the Katy Perry song changed my mind, so I don’t know.</p>
<p>Anywhere that’s hot all year round.</p>
<p>I think you’re referring to New York City. Upstate New York is the exact opposite of what you described.</p>
<p>I pick North Dakota.</p>
<p>Alaska. Not so fond of its proximity with the Arctic Circle and isolation to society.</p>
<p>Texas and Utah come as a close seconds.</p>
<p>Oklahoma, Montana, Idaho, Mississippi, Alabama, Arkansas, Wyoming, North Dakota, South Dakota, Kentucky, Tennessee, South Carolina, and Nebraska come as close thirds.</p>
<p>I hate the South and the Midwest.</p>
<p>Montana or Alaska.</p>
<p>Wouldn’t want to live in Alabama or Mississippi.</p>
<p>^^Go ahead and list all of the other states lol
I’d choose New Hampshire because it seems nonexistent</p>
<p>I wouldn’t want to live in LA, MS, AL, GA outside Atlanta, FL, or SC. </p>
<p>I’m also not terribly excited by AR and TN. WV and the parts of KY and VA near WV are depressing. Most of CA doesn’t thrill me either.</p>
<p>EDIT: To choose just one, I’ll go with Mississippi.</p>
<p>^the south is awesome!</p>
<p>i’d hate to live in idaho, wyoming, dakotas, minnesota or somewhere like that. i live north of montana. it’s pretty, but far too cold. I prefer the southeast and northeast.</p>
<p>texas, louisiana, mississippi, alabama, georgia and floribama are the best. massachusetts too. i don’t like california because of all those goddamn californians.</p>
<p>I love the south… but the redneck states I’d avoid.
Also… Ohio. For the pure purpose of Ohio State being there.</p>
<p>africa .</p>
<p>Moldova, probably. Oh, or does state no longer mean country? As for the states of the United States, I can’t think of one to say no to.</p>
<p>I honestly hate it.
And I’ve lived here all my life.</p>
<p>take my advice. do not ever move to south georgia. ever. you’ll regret it for the rest of your life.</p>
<p>North Dakota was definitely the first state that came to my mind. Talk about absolutely nothing to do but go to college hockey games.</p>
<p>I like where I live now (Connecticut). New England is a really homey place - some charm I can’t put my finger too, especially in that 30 mins/1 hr ring around Boston where you can actually feel the history and 1700s touch on all the towns. CT has the connection to NY, RI has the beaches, Massachusetts has the history, Vermont has the skiing if you are into that, NH is kinda useless, and Maine has the national park/lobsters/seafood/“community” type of population.</p>
<p>Pretty much anywhere in the South that isn’t Florida or some parts of Texas, Louisiana, Virginia, and a few states on the coast. I also wouldn’t want to live anywhere in the midwest that isn’t Illinois or Michigan. Same goes for the west: California, and certain places in Nevada and perhaps Arizona. Hell no to Alaska; Hawaii is nice but I wouldn’t want to settle down there. </p>
<p>If I had to pick one state though, probably Kansas. What am I supposed to do in Kansas anyway?</p>
<p>If the state has busy cities and nice beaches, I don’t think I’d mind too much</p>
<p>^^ On the plus side, there are college hockey games :)</p>
<p>kansas isn’t actually that bad. i’ve driven through it [road trip]. it’s lots of cows and corn interspersed with small towns that have things to do [malls and such]. </p>
<p>new mexico: barren wasteland.</p>
<p>Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Nevada, basically the southwest.</p>
<p>On the other hand, I would love to and probably will live in New England, preferably New York, Vermont, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, or Maine.</p>