<p>My cousins lived in Campbellsville and didn’t mind it too much. It sounds all wild and stuff.</p>
<p>i wouldn’t want to live in the south or the midwest</p>
<p>The South isn’t nearly as bad as everyone thinks.</p>
<p>^^yea i’m prob basing it off of stereotypes i heard. i just always get a bad mental picture when i think of the south, especially places like alabama or texas</p>
<p>Oh parts of Bama are pretty bad. I live in GA and it’s not so bad here.</p>
<p>lol I live in St. Louis and have been across the entire state of Missouri. The meth problem, murder rate, and all that stuff is ridiculous crap that gives us a bad rep. I have never felt unsafe in Missouri before in my life.</p>
<p>As for the rural communities part that some people complain about, that is true, but only if you don’t live near St. Louis, Kansas City, Columbia, Springfield, or a select few other places. Until you go an hour out of any of those cities you are living in a surburban area, not a rural one.</p>
<p>My least favorite state would either be North/South Dakota, Wyoming, or Idaho.</p>
That’s so close to me! Ha</p>
<p>haha really? I don’t know much about it, just that they hated Taylor County (?) High School</p>
<p>I agree with all of the New Yorkers who criticized the original poster. As you go upstate it’s so different from the city. But its not like farm country. Anyway I think Wyoming and Alaska are the obvious choices for people who like to be around other people. The population density is sooo low idk how they survive lol</p>
<p>florida is like the best.:)</p>
<p>I’d probably hate to live in Arizona.</p>
<p>I think it would be easier to say which states I would LIKE to live in:
-New Jersey (only certain counties)
-Delaware (only northern)
-Pennsylvania (only eastern)
-New York (not upstate, and not long island)
-Rhode Island
-Massachusetts (only eastern)
-Maryland (DC suburbs only)
-California (southern only)</p>
<p>I am very picky. I need to live in a heavy populated area that is very busy, with lots of cities and people. I also need to live close to the beach.</p>
<p>I would never live in West Virginia (the image of inbred mountain people comes to mind) or Ohio (seems too industrial and too many Buckeye fans, yuck).</p>
<p>The only states that I’m willing to live in (settle down in, doesn’t include where I would go to college) are:</p>
<p>California- I live in Orange County and I would live here or in San Diego county along the beach, preferably near La Jolla (not sure I will live here because the cost of living is really high; for example one of my friend’s house is worth 13 mil and it is a nice house but I’ve seen mega mansions for 14 mil in Minnesota. [Mansions</a> in the middle of nowhere - MSN Real Estate](<a href=“http://realestate.msn.com/slideshow.aspx?cp-documentid=25192974]Mansions”>http://realestate.msn.com/slideshow.aspx?cp-documentid=25192974)
Florida- somewhere near the beach or the intercostal waterway, lower real estate prices are a plus
North Carolina- on a lake or near the beach
Texas- I like the Austin area and living on Lake Travis would be nice, a little too hot though</p>
<p>Anywhere without real seasons (including leaves changing color, lots of snow, and then a nice, muddy spring) is definitely out. So thats basically the south and the coasts, I think. Mountains are far superior to beaches :)</p>
<p>Honestly I wouldn’t mind. There’s favorite states but then the others, I guess if I had to live in them, I’d live with it.</p>
<p>Indiana. No reason.</p>
<p>I would avoid North Dakota and Arizona for weather reasons. Texas would also not bode well with me for political reasons. New Hampshire also wouldn’t be fun.</p>
<p>Arizona, since I am an immigrant. A perfectly legal, definitely Asian one at that, but still.</p>
<p>Anywhere that’s hot for most of the year/has the same weather year round.</p>