Which tests should I take???

<p>So originally I was planning on taking Math II and U.S. History, since I've already learned the pre-calc stuff and I just recently took the APUSH test and I heard that you can use the same material to study for the SAT II history... But I just got my SAT I scores back and found out that my CR score is a 650 compared to my 780 and 790 math and writing scores. This is making me think that I should maybe take some kind of CR-related subject... like literature? But I'm also not even sure how the literature subject test looks like and whether its similar to CR at all... And the more I think about it, the more I feel less confident about math II, since it's been a year since I've taken the pre-calc class so I might be rusty on it. And the last time I practiced for math II during the summer, I was doing practice tests out of Barron's book and I completely failed it. At the same time, I'm not sure if I should give that up since I heard Barron's is not the best book to use for practice exams. I also thought I should take a science test since SAT I didn't have that, but I'm not sure how well I would do with that...</p>

<p>So... Basically, I'd like to take recommendations on what subject tests I should take under my circumstances and which books I should use to prep for them with. I'd prefer taking tests where 700+ is easy to earn, but if it's more beneficial to take a harder test than get away with an easy one, then I'd rather go with that... So idk! Help!!! Oh, and I can only take 2 subject tests... It's all I have time for.</p>

<p>Take a math subject test, and for the other subject test, take it in whatever subject you plan to major in at college. Don’t take it in literature if it is not your strong point.</p>