which top 60 colleges are SAT optional for international students?

<p>i know about bates, mount holyoke, bowdoin. are there more?</p>

<p>Bard College
Bates College
College Of The Atlantic
Drew University
Hamilton College
Lawrence University
Lynchburg College
Mount Holyoke College
Nazareth College
Sarah Lawrence College
Wheaton College (MA)
Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Yale University</p>

<p>Yale is not SAT optional</p>

<p>^^^ I believe you dont have to tak eSAT II’s if you’ve taken A-levels.</p>

<p>Well, yes that is true (but you still can’t say that it’s SAT optional :))</p>

<p>I believe USC is one of them.</p>

<p>From USC website:</p>

<p>“USC requires scores from either the SAT or the ACT (with the optional Writing test) from all freshman international students attending high school in the United States and all freshman international students attending an accredited American or International school abroad.”</p>

<p>Kinda pointless to seek out colleges with optional SAT for international students. You are at a disadvantage if you don’t submit your SAT … for you know the other international applicants (the ones you are competing with) will.</p>

<p>It makes more sense to look for colleges with optional SAT for ALL applicants.</p>

<p>I believe that this link has the comprehensive list of SAT optional colleges:
[Optional</a> List | FairTest](<a href=“http://www.fairtest.org/univ/optional.htm]Optional”>http://www.fairtest.org/univ/optional.htm)</p>

<p>Suggest comparing the list with US News & World Reports rankings:
[Best</a> Colleges - Education - US News and World Report](<a href=“http://colleges.usnews.rankingsandreviews.com/college]Best”>http://colleges.usnews.rankingsandreviews.com/college)</p>