Which tour for a hs junior undecided about major?

I am planning to bring my D to visit this Fall. She will just be starting her junior year of high school and hasn’t chosen a major yet. D has never been to the south (except Florida), but the idea of it turns her off. So, I want her to visit some southern schools so at least if she decides not to consider any, she will know what she is talking about.

Of course, I am attracted to the school because the cost and scholarships. Even without scholarships, the OOS tuition is lower than in-state tuition at our state flagship.

She hasn’t taken SATs or ACTs yet but her grades, Aspire scores, and PSATs indicate that she will have high enough stats for Honor’s College. Still it doesn’t seem like she has enough information for a tour with the Honor’s College.

So the question is should we go for a general tour, an honor’s college tour, or try to catch one of the University Days? Thanks.

You should book both a general tour AND a honors tour. Book the general tour first, and then contact the HC and give them your tour time and date so that they can work around it.

Your D may be undecided as a major, but is she more “liberal arts” “humanities” “performing arts” “business/communications” or “hard sciences” type of student? Which of these can you eliminate?

Avoid weekends completely, particularly home-game weekends… and avoid any Fridays before a home game. Arriving on a Sunday after a home game would be ok.

My D visited her junior year (although in January), and she did the honors tour and the general tour. We booked the general tour, then let the HC know the date/time so they could work around that. D didn’t know exactly what she would major in at that point, although she suspected it would be some kind of business. The Honors College set her up to meet with an accounting professor. She did not end up as an accounting major (perhaps due to that meeting), but that was OK. She sat in on an honors seminar, also. What sold my D on Bama was the tour of the suite style dorm. It blew away the dorms at the other schools she was looking at. She was also amazed at how friendly everyone was. All her other tours were at midwestern flagships, and the southern hospitality shone in comparison.

^^ “She was also amazed at how friendly everyone was. All her other tours were at midwestern flagships, and the southern hospitality shone in comparison.” Yes, agree, most definitely!! Was our experience as well!!