Which UC can I get into in 2020 for CS major?

My profile -

  • weighted GPA of 4.0 (un-weighted GPA of 3.69)
  • SAT 1410 (740 Math + 670 Eng)
  • SSAT Math - 740, Chem - 690
  • AP tests
    CompSc : 5
    EuropeanHist : 5
    Eng Lang & Comp : 5
    CalcBC : 4
  • Extra curricular
    • community service for 1.5 years at a big local hospital
    • internship at a startup to develop sw for tutoring
    • Chamber violin

Major interested in - Computer Science.

Which UCs do I have chance of getting into CS major? How about CalPoly, SLO?

Thanks in advance

Please calculate your UC unweighted, capped weighted and fully weighted GPA and repost: https://rogerhub.com/gpa-calculator-uc/

Cal Poly SLO uses 9-11th grades with a 8 semester Honors point cap as opposed to the UC’s and other CSU’s, so calculate your SLO GPA using the same calculator but add in your 9th grades for the a-g courses.

weighted Un-capped GPA is 4.21
weighted capped GPA is 4.00
unweighted GPA is 3.69
weighted Un-capped GPA is 4.15
weighted capped GPA is 3.90
unweighted GPA is 3.70
For CalPoly SLO consideration, I have also done Algebra and Geometry honors in 7/8th grade and did two years of French.

Thanks again

At 4.00 capped weighted, you’re slightly below the UCSD/I/SB/D group in GPA average but you’re within range and you have a decent chance at getting into one of those with some really good essays and assuming you have good extracurriculars.

Thank you @ProfessorPlum168 . How about CalPoly?

Cal Poly SLO admits by MCA points and major. The CS major has about a 6% acceptance rate. SLO does not list average GPA or test scores by major only by college so these are the 2019 stats:

College of Engineering
Average SLO GPA; 4.17 Average ACT: 33 Average SAT: 1469
Also calculate your MCA points using this website. Target MCA of 4800+ to be competitive and CS is the most competitive major at SLO. https://mca.netlify.com/

CS is also one of the most competitive majors for the UC’s. Below is some admitted student data (not specific for CS) but expect lower admit rates and higher stats needed to be competitive.

2018 Freshman admit rates for UC GPA of 3.80-4.19 capped weighted and not major specific:
UCB: 10%
UCLA: 9%
UCSD: 34%
UCSB: 38%
UCD: 41%
UCI: 38%
UCSC: 70%
UCR: 84%
UCM: 95%

2019 UC capped weighted GPA averages:
UCB: 4.23
UCLA: 4.25
UCSD: 4.23
UCSB: 4.16
UCI: 4.13
UCD: 4.13
UCSC: 3.96
UCR: 3.90
UCM: 3.73

2019 Data:
25th - 75th percentiles for SAT totals:
UCB: 1340-1540

UCLA: 1330-1550
UCSD: 1300-1520
UCSB: 1280-1520
UCD: 1230-1490
UCI: 1250-1510
UCSC: 1200-1450
UCR: 1130-1400
UCM: 1020-1290

You are within range for several of the UC’s based on stats. I would say target schools are UC Riverside and Santa Cruz. Irvine, Davis and Santa Barbara could be possible but consider them a High Match/ Low Reach. Make sure you have at least 2 safeties on your list.

Thank you very much @Gumbymom.
So, Is the following sound about right?
SLO chances of getting 10-20%
UC Irvine/Davis/SB chances of getting about 50%
UCSC/SJSU chances of getting more than 70% (can this called safeties?)


SJSU uses Eligibility index (UC/CSU GPA capped weighted x800) + (SAT Math +EBRW)
Last year, students needed a 4675 EI to make into the CS major.

I would put UCSC as a Match school. A safety is almost 100% chance of acceptance. UCI/UCD and UCSB more at 30-40% since the UC’s tend to be more GPA focused vs. test focused and your capped weighted is below their averages. You have no safety. I would consider UC Merced a safety and UC Riverside a Low Match school.

Consider your local CSU also as a Safety school.

From SJSU website I see that 0.25 GPA is added students in Santa Clara county. Since I am in that county it would make my Eligibility index (4.25800)+(3750+680)/2 = 4865. Is my math correct? That should make it a safety, right?

Also, Does it make sense to try for Software Engineering major in Calpoly. Is it also tough to get?

Since the thresholds change from year to year based on application volume and strength, you cannot be sure that 4865 will clear the threshold. So you may want to consider SJSU CS a match rather than a safety. Note that there is a similar software engineering major with historically somewhat lower thresholds.

Note that SFSU is a non-impacted campus where CS is a non-impacted major, so that is very much a safety.

University of Arizona also appears to be automatic admission for your stats, which also give a $18,000 scholarship, so you may want to see if it is affordable enough to be a safety.
However, CS requires starting as a pre-major, and earning 3.0 college GPA in CS courses and 2.4 college GPA overall to enter the major.

Thank you very much @ucbalumnus. Any other ‘out of state’ schools that would be a “match” for my profile (potentially including private schools)?

Your cost constraints are essential in determining what can be a reach, match, likely, or safety.

Most out-of-state public schools will be expensive but not give need-based financial aid, but some may give merit scholarships. Many California resident students who can afford UCs and CSUs cannot afford many out-of-state public schools that do not give them large enough merit scholarships.

SE is getting more competitive at SLO, but has a higher projected acceptance rate around 30% vs. 5.6% for CS.

For CS you might also consider Chico State. Excellent CS with job training for real software engineering jobs. Similar to SJSU.

UCSC is a good target for you (as are UCM and UCR) SLO is pretty unlikely.

since you don’t seem budget constrained, I’d take a look at a few CA privates - Santa Clara and LMU have solid CS programs. OOS, tuition varies a lot but, Oregon, Oregon State, Or Inst of Tech, Boise State, U of Utah, Colorado School of Mines, and Colorado State, and UNR all have solid CS programs, and are worth a quick investigation.
Good luck

Thank you very much @NCalRent. Any idea on my chances of getting in to the following?

  1. Virginia Tech
  2. Purdue
  3. University of Washington
  4. University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign

Thanks again!

UW is very competitive with high tech companies such as Microsoft and Amazon in the Seattle area. With the exception of UCB, UW’s CS may be at least or even more difficult to get into than the other mentioned UC’s or CPSLO.

UIUC is also competitive. You might consider applying broadly and to both UW and UIUC if you can afford the out of state tuition.

@KrisKon i don’t have a good sense for any of those schools.
Generally, there is a lot of subjectivity at the most competitive schools, your stats are solid, so your essays and other qualifications will be looked at and weighted against the others applying. Apply to a bunch of schools and see what happens. Just be sure to have a couple of safetys on your list. Sac and Chico could serve that purpose.

good luck

The average straw-man for UIUC CS admit is approx. 1500/33.5ACT, 3.9+ unweighted
The average straw-man for Purdue CS admit is approx. 1480/33ACT, 3.8+ unweighted

For good CS schools with the stats that you gave that would probably be matches, I might suggest UMass-Amherst, Penn State, Pitt, Stony Brook, and Arizona State.