Which UC should I go to? UC San Diego or UC Santa Barbara

I already asked this question but after visiting UCSD I’m not sure where I want to go anymore and it’s stressing me out. Someone, please help me finalize my decision. Please feel free to also add pros and cons for me and other people looking at this thread.

(Political Science major)

More fun (I like to go out :slight_smile: )
Very close to the beach
Closer to home
More relaxed (so easier classes)
Course load is lighter because of major
More outgoing people
Great weather

(International Studies – International Business major)

Beautiful campus
Major of choice (So more interesting classes)
Dorms are very close to classes
Great education
Friendlier people
Great weather
They earn a bit more money coming out of college

(Political Science major)
Not major of choice
Ugly campus
No large stores (like cant go one place for groceries or whatever)
Hear that the classes are also very large but can’t speak from experience

(International Studies – International Business major)

Difficult course load
Everyone is always studying (I’m studious but I really like to party)
Not easy to park there (not vehicle friendly)
No school spirit
No active greek life
Very large lecture classes

To me it seems like the only major differential in your pros and cons is the major. So I would go with UCSD since it’s your major of choice. As far as social life and the like, UCSD can be a rocking place for parties and the like if you look hard enough, and UCSB will work for studious hermits as well too.

UCSB sounds like it is more of a fit.

i had the same choice to make, and I picked ucsb! Ucsb doesn’t have international relations, but it has an awesome global studies program with some great instructors.

I also picked ucsb for the weather, student environment, and greek life. I can definitely say it’s been the right decision, and I encourage you to look into global studies!

UCSD seems to be more of a STEM college than UCSB. If fact, D20 took a summer program at UCSD and her PhD candidate professor told her not to come to UCSD if my D was interested in business or marketing type of majors!

I personally found UCSD to have a pretty ugly campus, lots of grey concrete buildings, poor campus layout, lots of construction, not many grassy areas, shoddy dorms. No doubt La Jolla and San Diego are beautiful but the layout of the campus leaves a lot to be desired. According to D, she much rather go to UCSB (or even UCD for that matter) than UCSD.

I saw that when choosing their political science major you can focus on international relations. Do you know anything about that?

I got into Davis but it wasn’t really my calling. Thank you though. I definitely agree that UCSD is more focused on STEM. I think UCSB is the school for me. :slight_smile:

I second the suggestion to look into global studies at UCSB. So many great professors in the department. It’s really a hidden gem! Loved my time at UCSB! Enjoy!

Im not really familiar with the global studies major. Do you think you could explain it a bit? Atleast how it is at SB

@Elilinden If you search Global Studies and UCSB, you can read the About Us on the department page. I’d also click on the Undergraduate link on the Global Studies page and go to the General Catalog to see all the classes that fall under Global Studies. The great thing about the major is there are many classes that can count towards the major, so you can decide if your interests are more towards Poli Sci or History or Global Economics, or Policy, or Communications etc and choose classes of interest. It’s a super broad major, by design. Loved the flexibility in class offerings. I basically just took classes that interested me. Many of my friends from the major ended up getting their MBA’s at some point. Several studied abroad. I ended up working in recruiting for a large company. Lots of options depending on your interests!

Hopefully this link works! You can look at the major requirements and course offerings. It’s not an impacted program so wouldn’t be a problem getting in…