Which UC's can i get into?

<p>UC GPA : 4.25
10-12 unweighted GPA : 3.94
2 AP’s sophomore year 4 AP’s junior year and going to take 4 senior year</p>

CR : 700
M: 680
total: 2120
Chinese SAT II: 780</p>

<p>extra curricular: summer internship at chinese school, leo club, link crew, vp of environmental club, cm voice lvl 10, choir</p>

<p>I’m also in the top 9% at my school if that helps. </p>

<p>I’m interested in majoring in Environmental Science. Which UC’s am I probably for sure gonna get into and which ones do I have a good chance and which ones will be difficult to get into?</p>

<p>@silverwolf4‌: There is not Sure Thing for the UC’s but closest you can get is UCR’s GAP program, see link: <a href=“New Students | Apply | Undergraduate Admissions | UC Riverside”>https://vcsaweb.ucr.edu/gap/index.aspx&lt;/a&gt;. Your STATs look very competitive so UCI/UCD (great Environmental Science program)/UCSB/UCSC would be Matches.
UCSD: High Match
Probably a High Match/Low Reach for UCB (Excellent Environmental Engineering Program).
Good Luck.</p>