Which UCs consider the fully weighted UC GPA?

Hi! I just saw my report card and it indicates which of my 10-11 grade courses are UC approved. I thought only a few of them were, but most of the courses in my sophomore and junior years were considered UC weighted (I had 18 courses total). I understand that the weighted and capped UC gpa limits the extra points at 8, but is there anywhere on the application where I can put my UC fully weighted gpa? My fully weighted is a 4.29, which I like much more than my weighted and capped. Thank you.

UCLA/UCB do state they look at the Fully weighted UC GPA but all the UC’s will see your self-reported grades, classes including Senior year courses, so they will note your HS rigor. Since the UC capped weighted GPA is usually the quoted GPA on the UC Website for the Freshman Profiles, just fill out the UC application with the information that is asked for and the UC’s will calculate your GPA Fully weighted if considered.

they may not look directly at the number but ,they all value course rigor, particularly the # of AP courses which will be reflected in a high uncapped GPA.