Which UC's should I apply to?!

<p>I am planning on applying to at least one UC, but when I realized the application is the same for all of them I’m considering applying to multiple ones. The application fee is 80 dollars for each school (I’ll see if theres some kind of fee waiver for that) but before I start filling out the application they are asking me to choose which schools I want. My boyfriend goes to UC Berkeley but I’m afraid I might not be totally qualified for that one…my original choice was going to be UC San Diego but if I have a shot at getting into UCLA or UCB I’d like to try those too. My weighted GPA was a 3.75 after the first semester of junior year (my grades have improved since then, I finished junior year with 3 A’s and 3 B’s) so my GPA probably improved a bit. I have no idea what my unweighted GPA is but I hope it’s not much lower than a 3.75. I currently have a 1940 on the SAT (560 math, 660 reading, 720 writing) but I’m retaking in October and hoping to get my math at at least a 620, and reading in the 700s. Scores will hopefully be in before the application deadline (November 30) so hopefully that will help me a bit. I’m in the National Honors Society and National Art Honors Society and I’m probably joining the tennis team this year (I desperately need to do some kind of extra curricular and I’m regretting having spent the entirety of high school too scared to join clubs). So would it be worth it to apply to all three of those, or to just stick with San Diego? Would any of the other ones be a good fit? I’ve consider UCSB and UCSC as well. I took three AP courses junior year (psych, gov, and lang) and got a 5 on psych and lang and a 3 on gov (I’m not sure how that happened and I’m getting it rescored just in cased because I felt very confident about it and expected at least a 4, considering I got a 5 on the mock.) This year I’m taking AP Stats, AP Bio, AP Lit, and AP Euro if that makes any difference, along with non-ap ancient history just for fun. </p>

<p>Have you calculated your UC GPA, see link: <a href=“GPA Calculator for the University of California – RogerHub”>http://rogerhub.com/gpa-calculator-uc/&lt;/a&gt; using only your 10-11th grade?. You are a little light on your course rigor with only 3 AP classes under your belt so far, especially for UCB/UCLA/UCSD. You need a UC GPA of 4.0+ and SAT around 2100+ to be competitive for UCB/UCLA and possibly UCSD. Starting new EC’s your Senior looks to admissions like you are padding your application and will only hurt you in the end.<br>
Only guessing at your UC GPA and not knowing your retake SAT score yet and you did not mention a major, I would say UCLA/UCB/UCSD would all be reaches. You should consider UCSC/UCR which would be Matches and UCD/UCI/UCSB as High Matches. A lot will depend upon your GPA/SAT scores and your major. Good luck.</p>