Which UC's to apply to?

<p>How did you guys choose which UC’s to apply to? For now I’m applying to UCSB and UCI but the others I’m not really sure why I should apply there can anyone give me perhaps pros/cons of the all the UC’s?</p>

<p>My son applied to 6 UC campuses for various reasons: UCSB/UCSD/UCLA/UCR/UCI/UCD

  1. Wanted to stay in California
  2. Liked the Computer Science Cirriculum at the above campuses
  3. Has older sibling at UCD- liked the proximity to Silicon Valley and tech companies
  4. UCR for the small campus feel and has best chance for acceptance
  5. UCSB (dream school before Cal Poly SLO). Can’t beat location and academics</p>

<p>I made him visit all the UC campuses before applying to make sure he would be comfortable attending any one of them. Since acceptances can be a crap shoot and he has a competitive major, he applied broadly including 4 CSU’s.<br>
It depends on so many factors why individuals apply to each campus and only you can make that decision. If you are applying only to the 2 UC schools, I would highly recommend you have several backups. What are your STATS and intended major?</p>

<p>My son applied at UCR, UCSB, UCI and UCD. He chose those campuses because they offered the major & alt. major’s he was interested - Chem Eng & Materials Sci Eng. His scores are in range, and he felt strongly about his essays, so he has a chance. He is open to So Cal or No Cal. We visited UCSB & UCR this week. Beautiful campuses. Good luck !</p>

<p>I wouldn’t apply to over 4, honestly, $70 each PLUS $55 for each CSU back up, and maybe some good privates for better learning (small classes, tight-knit community, advanced programs). I’d feel bad for the hole I’m ripping in my parents’ pockets. </p>

<p>All UCs, you’re going to end up with basically the same education unless you want to major in agriculture and something environmental that’s good in UCD, compsci in UCI, and the sciences in UCSD. Not even going to mention Cal and UCLA if you’re THAT good of a student. Because of CA budget cuts, you’ll have a cluttered 500 class that’s so difficult to pay attention in and most of your learning will come from a TA like 2 years older than you.</p>

<p>I would just go to the nice CA privates, maybe even the liberal arts (hey! you never told us what you wanted to major in…but they’re very good for stuff like psychology). </p>

<p>Tl;dr: 4 is good. 4 is great.</p>



<p>Ha. That’s a gross exaggeration. If you’re having trouble paying attention then sit in the front of the class and it feels like there’s barely anybody there. But if it’s because people in your class are chatting with each other then that’s something to bring up with the professor. Otherwise I just totally disagree with you.</p>