Which undergrad business school? Which IR program?

<p>Trying to finalize a decision. Student probably will not go to grad school, so undergrad vital decision.</p>

<p>For business school: Love at LMU, Cox at SMU, Neeley at Texas Christian, Pepperdine, or American Univ?
For IR (or whatever the international program may be called): LMU, Pepperdine, American, USD?
Throw Elon & Hofstra in the mix for other reasons. </p>

<p>Thanks, so. This is all pure torture.</p>

<p>FYI, from a very reputable business source, the Wall Street Journal:
<a href=ā€œhttp://m.us.wsj.com/articles/SB10001424052702304072004577323754019227394?mobile=yā€>http://m.us.wsj.com/articles/SB10001424052702304072004577323754019227394?mobile=y&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;



<p>I know nothing about business schools. On that list Iā€™d pick American over any of the other choices for IR.</p>

<p>Definitely American.
Their international relations program, and the opportunities that go with it, are top notch.
And Kogod is a very good business school, amazing connections.</p>

<p>I am speaking as the parent of a student who just graduated with a Kogod degree in international business and marketing, and took a lot of IR courses.</p>

<p>He and all of his friends had very good post-graduation outcomes.</p>