Which would be my better option out of these two schools?

<p>Let me start by saying that I realize neither of them are highly ranked in terms of journalism, but they are two of my options right now. I'm just looking for a little more insight into which one might be better for me.</p>

<p>My two options are North Dakota State or Memphis.</p>

<p>NDSU offers a major in Broadcasting, Journalism & Mass Communication
Memphis offers a major in Journalism</p>

<p>The upside I see with NDSU is that the degree seems to be more broad and might allow me to venture into a variety of different fields upon graduating. Memphis seems like it might be limited to mostly writing fields (which I'm not necessarily against). I'm mostly interested in getting into writing/reporting or tv/radio production.</p>

<p>I'd appreciate any help.</p>

<p>It’s hard to imagine a scenario in which these two would ever be exclusive options together. Why these two?</p>

<p>I can only really comment on NDSU. There are no journalism professors there. Literally none. You’d be getting a degree in Communications, and the only journalism teachers you would have would be TAs. If you want to do journalism, you’re better off going elsewhere.</p>

<p>Well, Memphis is one of the top cities in the country for murder/violence so if that figures in any…</p>

<p>I actually have family who live and went there, and they loved it. It just depends on what you can put up with. They seemed like they had a pretty good program, but personally it was just too big and crazy of a school for me.</p>

<p>If you’re considering the south check out Western Kentucky University too. I think they’re supposed to have a pretty nationwide-known communications program.</p>

<p>No offense, but neither is really a good option…</p>

<p>I have to agree with colomichael. Your best bet is transferring into a solid communications program such as Mizzou, Syracuse Newhouse, or Northwestern. It’s all about connections in the communications industry and not to be offensive but NDSU and Memphis do not have strong alumni relations in the communications industry as Mizzou, Newhouse, Northwestern, USC, etc.</p>