While waiting for a response from Cornell...

<p>...I'm preparing for what lies ahead. Chances would be heavenly.</p>

<p>Merci, gracias, and thanks.</p>

<p>Gender: Male
Race: Asian (Chinese)
Location: Eastern Washington
High School: Public Secondary
High School Type: rarely sends grads to top schools
Will apply for financial aid: Yes</p>

GPA - Unweighted: 3.77
Class Rank: 46/440
Class Rigor: Taking 9 out of 10 AP classes at my school; no P.E./slack-off classes</p>


<h1>1: Composite: 2100</h1>

<li>Math: 770</li>
<li>Critical Reading: 660</li>
<li>Writing: 670 (Essay: 8)

2: Composite: 2110</li>

<li>Math: 730</li>
<li>Critical Reading: 690</li>
<li>Writing: 690 (Essay: 9)</li>

<p>ACT: 32
- English: 36
- Math: 29
- Reading: 32
- Science: 31
- Writing: 8 (W/E: 32)</p>

<p>SAT II's:
- U.S. History: 700
- Math Level 1 (IC): 800
- Math Level 2 (IIC): 750
- Biology-E: 680</p>

- U.S. History: 5
- Calculus AB: 4
- Biology: 4
- English Language: 4
- Physics: 2</p>

- Music: Violin since third grade, part of city youth symphony, concertmaster of school chamber orchestra (9-12)
- City Youth Commission (10-12)
- Knowledge Bowl: Captain of Varsity team; 2nd Place at Regionals; 6th Place at State (10-12)
- Key Club: Class Board Member (12)
- City newspaper: 2nd place at local news-writing competition (12)
- School Mock Political Convention (11)
- National Honor Society (9-12)
- National Society of High School Scholars (10-12)
- DECA: 3rd Place in Regionals (10)
- ASM Materials Science Camp (11)
- Junior Statesmen of America (12)</p>

- Track and Field: Junior Varsity/Varsity bubble (9-12)
- Cross Country: Junior Varsity (10, 12)</p>

<p>Volunteer/Service Work:
- City Youth Commission (10-12)
- Volunteer at Local Hospital (11-12)
- Local Library Volunteer (9-10)
- Key Club (12)
- Habitat for Humanity (11-12)
- Chinese Association (9-12)</p>

<p>Honors and Awards:
- AP Scholar w/ Honor (12)
- National Merit Commended Scholar (12)
- Academic Letter (x2) (10, 11)</p>

<p>Colleges of Interest:
- Cornell University (I did Early Decision to the College of Arts and Sciences)
- Yale University/Harvard College/Columbia University, etc...
- Pomona College
- University of Chicago
- Carnegie Mellon University
- Johns Hopkins University
- Georgetown University
- Brown University
- Carleton College
- Reed College (NOTE: I know about the personality factor at Reed...and I believe I match it)
- University of Washington (Honors)
- Washington State University (Honors)</p>


<p>Wow…this sucks.</p>


<p>Thanks for that extremely helpful post, futurexreject. I’ll go shut myself in a corner now.</p>

<p>lol sorry eheh. you didnt list your gpa, how am i supposeed to know?</p>

<p>Er…yeah I did. 3.77.</p>

<p>other ivies would be reaches along with pomona
Carnegie Mellon looks like a match
Hopkins looks like a high-match
ED to cornell looks like a high-match.</p>

<p>let us know how it turns out.</p>