who can give me some suggestions on ACT READING

<p>I did the red real ACT prep guide before I took ACT on Oct.22, my score is E27, M35, R18, S34. Reading has made me really crazy. now I am doing Barron's ACT practice and prepare for ACT in Dec.10.
When I did the red book, I made mistake because i cannot understand. However, when I did Barron, I feel I can understand the passage after I read them, but I cannot choose the right answer. I don't whether Barron is a good prep material. who can give me some suggestions on both reading skills and prep materials!!
so much thx!!!</p>

<p>As a habitual reader, I found it incredibly easy to score a 36 on this section. I don’t really think there’s any way to build reading comprehension other than by actually reading and analyzing texts.</p>

<p>You can work on your timing, though, which is another very important part of the reading test because it’s only 35 minutes. Try different techniques like skimming the passage, reading the questions before you read the passage, or jotting down main ideas in the margins. These can make it much easier to complete the test in the allotted time, which is almost always a problem for people who score very low on the reading test.</p>