Who else got accepted to UCSD Sixth College??

<p>It was my third choice and I really don't know much about it. Is there more GE requirements than Marshall or Warren??</p>

<p>I believe Sixth College accepts IGETC and doesn’t require any extra pre-reqs :D</p>

<p>That’s what I thought! I definitely knew Revelle and ERC had more GE requirements</p>

<p>Yeah, I got accepted into Sixth too and checked awhile ago <em>0</em></p>

<p>Was it your first choice?</p>

<p>Yeah haha, I didn’t really know much about the colleges so I just put them in a random order.</p>

<p>Though I put Sixth first cause one of the counselors at my CC told me it was the easiest to get into SD with LOL.</p>

<p>Oh that’s cool. What’s your major? Mine is sociology</p>


<p>I kinda want to change it to Biochem/Cell Bio or Pharm Chem but I don’t know how their major changes work…:(</p>

<p>I don’t know either… you should call them</p>

<p>I thought everyone put Sixth College as their 6th choice. That’s the unwritten rule</p>


<p>if u still hadnt found out ur answer on how to change majors, u change it by using the Major/Minor link in Tritonlink. thats how i changed my major from EE to pharm chem</p>

<p>^ hey i put sixth college as my first choice, if i do get accepted to UCSD sixth college how do i change my sub-college as a transfer student? I would like to change my sub-college to muir?</p>

<p>My sister is in sixth college and she hate it so much</p>

<p>First of all, Sixth isn’t bad. You only have 2 GE’s you need to do upon transferring (after IGETC). One of them is a practicum in where you choose a project or choose a certain class which usually involves a quarter long project. Then you take a writing course right after this practicum. </p>

<p>Sixth college isn’t as bad as ERC and Revelle but its not as easy going as Warren or Muir. UCSD doesn’t base your admission to the university based on which you college you applied as.</p>

<p>To change colleges is very difficult. But there are ways. The easiest way is to show the campus that by changing colleges you can graduate earlier (2 quarters - this is very common for those who choose Revelle since they have the most GE’s). The other way to change out of colleges is to find someone who was accepted into the college that you want but isn’t actually going to attend the school (ie. Your friend got accepted into Warren but you got into ERC. He’s going to Berkeley so you would have to ask for his position at Warren - it requires a letter from both parties and additional paperwork).</p>

<p>Warren, Muir, Marshall, and Sixth all have 2 GE’s. ERC has 3 (I think but they’re pretty hard I hear), and Revelle has a ton too. The only college you should be freaking out about is either ERC or Revelle (if you haven’t taken calculus or if you’re not good at science).</p>

<p>Where did you get that information from? The UCSD website says that IGETC fills ALL GE requirements except in Revelle and ERC. So… you wouldn’t have to take more GE classes after transferring into Marshall, Muir,Warren or Sixth, right?</p>

<p>[Intersegmental</a> General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC)](<a href=“http://www.ucsd.edu/prospective-students/transfers/prep-programs/igetc.html]Intersegmental”>http://www.ucsd.edu/prospective-students/transfers/prep-programs/igetc.html)</p>

<p>I think there are upper division GEs you need to fulfill with each college, just look at any of the sub colleges website and they have transfer student GE you need to do after with IGETC</p>

<p>@ zambo:</p>

<li>I go to the school and I am in Sixth.</li>
<li>Yes, you do have to take more GE’s upon transferring (regardless of your college even Warren and Muir).</li>