<p>i sent mine in last thursday once i found out my SAT score</p>
<p>ok, good, b/c i was planning to do all my apps online</p>
<p>I'm definitely submitting Friday, ha.</p>
<p>just to make sure, can we mail of the application on like oct. 31?</p>
<p>I'm done!! I don't know why I'm so happy. I'm scared that in a couple weeks Yale's going to crush me with the same enthusiasm I sent my application in with.</p>
<p>How can you say you're done? :[ I always find things to improve</p>
<p>yeah, you're right. I still have UC apps and apps to all my other privates left to go. But I'm done for the time being. And I also swore to myself that I'm not going over my application again (until I get deferred) because i know that's just going to make me feel stupid when i find a typo.</p>
<p>Essay woes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!</p>
<p>yayyyy my dad sent mine today...FINISHED WITH COLLEGE APPS!!! </p>
<p>except now I have to apply for fin. aid...and scholarships...and wait for 49 days...boo.</p>
<p>can we send it on nov 1st online?
since that's the deadline, i think it's okay
but just like everyone else, i'm really frazzled and paranoid
so some backup, please! :-)</p>
<p>can we submit the supplement by itself before the common app?</p>
<p>pton: yep, ya can!</p>
<p>Finally, my Yale app has been sent! Good luck everybody!</p>
<p>Submitted this morning!!!! I feel incredibly relieved- now for the looooong wait. . .
Good luck to everybody!</p>
<p>Just submitted my Yale app about 3 hours ago and now i'm feeling strangely anxious. Like maybe i misplaced a comma somewhere /: Agh and it's gonna take 2 weeks to reach New Haven from my place! And I didn't have enough money to spend by speedpost lol</p>
<p>pton - You actually have to submit your supplement before your common ap. Poor D sat and sat getting up the nerves to click submit on the common ap. When she did, she was greeted by error messages (that didn't help her stress). It's complaints were that she had not submitted the supplement nor paid the application fee yet.</p>