Who else here DESPISES their ROOMMATE!?

<p>Man oh man, this has been quite a year, and I am glad it is almost over. Lovin' college and everything that has entailed it so far, but the only thing I truly believe that has hindered me from truly enjoying my first year experience at a university......is my ALIEN ROOMMATE. I tend to be a very tolerant person, as I am always around a very diverse group of people. Lots of kids end up being good life long friends with the person they room with their first year, Ill tell you after this semester is over, I will NEVER communicate in any way to this kid.</p>

<p>I feel the need to rant, because this kid I am rooming with, just completely sucks. He is in the room ALL THE TIME. Playing World of Warcraft 10 hours a day, only leaving the room to go to class and eat. NEVER socializes, I always have to be the one who initiates conversations. This kid, this whole year, has been sick. Always sniffling keeping me awake, coughing, I mean really you wouldn't be sick all the time if you didnt stay cooped up in a room 20 hours a day breathing stagnant building air and getting no exercise or sun exposure(and no he has no serious medical conditon, he just has a weakass body). I am plagued by the sight of his fish eyed, smeagol looking awkward self every time I walk into the room.I mean, is anyone else in my same situation? He sucks, I try to introduce him to my friends but he doesnt look them in the eye, and he acts like a punk baby and shys away when I try to open up social oppurtunities for him, but that doesnt work, when the kid is socially retarded to begin with. He makes these screechy orgasmic type sounds at night, every night, and I know it may seem rude, but I always have to yell out to him to <em>. He goes to bed at like 2 am and wakes up at 7am to get ready for a 9 am class *</em>, sorry, but who does that, dont mean to be rude, but who is he trying to impress? Whistles and stares at himself in the mirror which is next to my bed for 30 minutes, reminds me of some ugly grandpa infatuated with his delusional looks.</p>

<p>Plus he leaves a mountain of used tissue paper on his desk, at least 10 inches high all the time, hmmm. Kid listens to ear bleeding opera music all the time. Just an overall sucky person, choses not to do anything socially, its sad, I tried to talk to him plenty of times about issues, but its useless, he is the first person that I have met in my life that I think genuinely SUCKS as a HUMAN. My Resident Assistant even thinks he is a nutcase, this sucks, it really does. </p>

<p>The thing is, has anyone else been/going through what I am, if so I would like to hear your stories, as I know, or hope that I am not the only person going through this.</p>

<p>Wow. That is really long. I feel sorry for you. Have you tried to request to change your roommate?</p>

<p>you have amazing restraint to last as long as you have.
He sounds awful.
You have done all that you could and I hope you choose who to live with next year.
Best of luck to you.
BTW, my daughter, who lived in a suite with 5 other girls hated one of them last year. She is also very patient and has never had any issues with peers.</p>

<p>i'm sending him this thread</p>

<p>Wow. I thought this would be a whiny rant, but wow, he does suck.</p>

<p>Props for sticking through it the whole year though.</p>

<p>Bah, only reason I haven't done the whole room change is the fact I have some other friends I hang out with who live on my floor, and the convenient location of my dorm. Hes sneezing and coughing like a monster in the room now, just offered him a cough drop, but he said it isnt good for him....the same kid who eats piles of cookies and stacks of pizza regularly, clicking away like a madman on the computer...man I need to stop.</p>

<p>Yankee Boy, although I haven't had a roommate yet and therefore can't comment on the experience, I do sympathize with you for not liking yours. </p>

<p>But to me, the kid doesn't sound bad at all. =( Except for the screechy orgasmic sounds which sound creepy. </p>

<p>Is the kid really THAT bad? I felt bad reading this thread because although I'm pretty popular, I, like your roommate, am sick ALL the time. Nothing, no medicine, cough drops, anything, does any good. I am just sick 365 days a year every year. I hope my roommates don't find me unbearable. =(</p>

<p>put a dead cockroach on his tissue pile so he learns to clean up</p>

<p>or like hide a dead mouse in there and then when he goes to throw the tissues away he'll be like ahhh what the hell</p>

<p>It sounds like you have more problems with him as a person than as an actual roommate.</p>

<p>i think based on this very limited description, i'd actually prefer living with the roommate. you sound like a jerk.</p>

<p>I really do feel sorry for you. Cant you change roommates?</p>

<p>why does your roommate use so many tissues? maybe he has an undiagnosed illness. would adding a humidifier to your room or one of those decongestant plug in things help? </p>

<p>i understand your frustration though he sounds like a PITA.</p>

<p>Are you by chance in a substance-free dorm? i hear some crazy people stay there.</p>

<p>I want to point my finger on what he uses the tissues for...its either for the sniffles or..... Oh I added a decongestant plug just for him, doesnt work.</p>

<p>Yes, I'm in the honors dorm which is substance free, and yes, there are some quirky folks, none even comparable to the one who sleeps 10 feet from me though.</p>

<p>Anyone else in the same boat as me? I feel odd making this thread and no one really relates to it O_O.</p>

<p>um. don't stay in honors dorms next year!</p>

<p>I am surprised more people haven't responded to your thread, since I think your problem is fairly common..at least living with a roommate that is difficult to cope with.</p>