Who here has not gotten COVID? Who has long COVID?

There is indeed evidence for this. COVID vaccines slash risk of spreading Omicron — and so does previous infection

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Oh - THAT I did. Spent two days next to my daughter in a (poorly) air-conditioned rental car, and the same hotel room. She called me 30 minutes after dropping her off to let me know that she had tested herself after having felt under the weather since the day before: positive.

Yet, somehow, neither my wife nor I caught it… “That’s sooo unfair!”

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A lot of people here are missing the point. I see a lot of this:
“I had it but it was so mild, I wouldn’t have known I had it except testing was mandatory, I was lucky I hardly had symptoms.”

The point is that REGARDLESS of the severity – or lack thereof – of your acute covid symptoms, the consequences can be life-altering. Degree of severity of acute symptoms is unrelated to long-term sequelae.

You had just “common cold” symptoms? You can still have a covid-related stroke within a year. You had no acute symptoms at all? You can still end up with covid-related heart disease. Your acute symptoms were only bad for a day or two? You can still get long covid.

Personally, I do not care about the severity of my acute symptoms if I get it. The ONLY thing I care about is what happens in the one year following. At this point, we only have one-year data.

This is the point. This is why I wonder why the vast majority of people do not consider this reality when deciding whether they should mask in indoor public places.


I drank from my daughter’s glass the same day she tested positive and I never developed symptoms. So maybe it works! :sweat_smile:


As long as it is 97% proof. :wink:


Well my DD is 18, so the drink I had after her was finishing off her Starbucks. Maybe coffee has the same powers as alcohol in killing germs and viruses.

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If it was hot, the heat could have destroyed the virus. Also, the virus is mainly able to enter through the respiratory system rather than the digestive system.


It was iced. It’s the 12 hours in the sealed car. Then 8 of us playing a game around a table for hours the night before she tested positive that has me baffled.

Well-stated. It’s as if those of us concerned about long covid are the ones in the wrong. The hospitals in my area have just announced that masks are now optional. Oh, they are still “strongly recommended,” but if they are not required anymore, that is sending a very strong message after all this time that they are not needed.

I don’t understand why masking is so onerous to so many people. Does everyone think that they are so special that if they get sick, that they will only get a mild cold? That they are so special that they won’t get long covid? Are all these “living life!” experiences so important that they are willing to risk sickness and long covid?


Most people I see who wear masks are not using good ones, meaning those which are both high filtration (N95 or similar) and easy to breathe through. This is probably because knowing which masks are good ones has been and still is kind of niche, even though the good masks are not hard to get if you know which ones to get.


I may go home today! 8 days in the hospital is enough!


don’t understand why masking is so onerous to so many people. Does everyone think that they are so special that if they get sick, that they will only get a mild cold? That they are so special that they won’t get long covid? Are all these “living life!” experiences so important that they are willing to risk sickness and long covid?

To many the answer after vaccines or having Covid is yes. Keep in mind that those who are wanting to avoid Covid and the chance of long Covid a well fitting KN95 should protect them. Before Covid, there were other health problems as well. My mom always gets Bronchitis when she gets a cold. She chooses to still live life without a mask and take that chance that she might be Bronchitis or worse.
For masks to really work in society, everyone would have to wear the KN95 properly and when indoors with no exceptions. And they would have to come up with ones with clear openings for those HOH who need to read lips.

Thanks for checking in! I’ve been worried about you!

I hope you get discharged and with good follow up care! :crossed_fingers:


I was worried too!

Haven’t had Covid nor sons as far as we know. (Oldest attended school where they tested them every two weeks and only stopped mask mandates in classes in Feb.)

I’m fully vaxed as is oldest. Younger S (17) has had three of the four. (He attends HS online.)

@sdl0625 I’ll wear mask if mandated. No, I don’t think I’m so special that I won’t get it. I just can’t breathe as well in a tight fitting high regulated mask, or see as well. And, I get anxious. Call me what you want but it’s not arrogance for no longer wearing one. I realize I can get Covid. For me I’m willing to take that risk. I don’t travel, I limit exposure to others and public but I’m not wearing a mask unless mandated.

I’m still very much grieving my dad and have lived a full life. I don’t fear death. I respect it, but don’t fear it.



Yes - that is unfortunately the case for some (I know that some people do get “claustrophobic” wearing a basic snorkeling mask.)

Here is a type of mask (KN94) that will not “collapse” on you while breathing, only has ear loops (so easier to don than N95s) - and essentially is more comfortable that even the most basic medical (so called “surgical”) mask:

I do know of people who say that those won’t seal well on their face. If you like, you can PM me a postal address and I mail you a (individually packed!) one to try, if you’d like.


Same here. I was not happy to read that news.

However, the risk of permanent long COVID or other post-acute effects is far lower now to someone with hybrid immunity than it was to someone in the pre-vaccine days (much of it due to lower risk of getting COVID-19 in the first place due to hybrid immunity). Likely many people found the risk of long COVID too high in the pre-vaccine days, but, having had both vaccines and infection (commonly mild without long COVID for more recent infections gotten after vaccines and boosters), do not see the risk of long COVID being very high now for them.


Exactly. (I can’t snorkel either even though I was raised in the Keys, and lately can’t even do MRI’s even though I used to be able to but since Covid mask wearing I get extremely anxious and have resisted resuming my annual MRI’s.)

I have saved those masks to my Amazon list and will consider. Many thanks for bringing them to my awareness. I appreciate it.

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