Who here has not gotten COVID? Who has long COVID?

I have to say that we must be seeing much different things on Facebook because I’m not seeing this at all.

I have a sick daughter and a sick niece but both of those are due to a genetic mutation inherited through their fathers (fathers not related). But other than that, all the elders have been especially hearty. In fact most people I know have caught less colds than before the pandemic because of less human contact. And more outside socializing.

But no, nothing like what you described.


Health care facilities here still require masking. This is very understandable, since patients can bring in all kinds of airborne viruses, not just SARS-CoV-2, and some patients there are medically vulnerable (not just to COVID-19, but to any infection).

But the disappointing aspect is that, in health care facilities and otherwise, a large percentage of mask wearers are not using highly effective masks (N95 / KF94 / KN95) or wearing them properly fitted around their faces. Seems like if you want to wear a mask to protect either yourself or others or both in whatever situation you believe it is necessary or desirable, you want to use a good mask, since good masks are now readily available.

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Here too….or at least some….less and less. Advocate Health Care to drop mask requirement, ease visitor limits - Chicago Sun-Times

I too am not seeing this at ALL… and I think I have about 700 FB friends. Although I have seen the “I’ve been sick and can’t shake it” type posts every now and then but long prior to 2020.

Everyone is different of course but I personally would not likely use a FB post to share an illness. So I don’t know if social media - especially FB where you are more likely to know your “friends” is good representation of Covid one way or another

1 - not really that I can think of post covid. But well before covid, I had 3 co-workers in my building all have a stroke within a couple of weeks. All were right around 50. One was even an avid runner. It was creepy.
2 - my former neighbor’s kid (~20 y.o.) died like this. It was right as covid hit. Nobody said it was, but I do wonder.
3-4. I’d put H & me more in the 4th category, though I’d attribute it more to being secluded and masked more than usual for a few years and then going back to normal. H got pink eye in Dec. he’s never had it in the 30 years I’ve known him. He got norovirus a couple of weeks ago. First time since 1999. But he also works at an elementary school. And I had flu and strep and a sinus infection last year. I hadn’t had the flu since ‘05 and hadn’t needed antibiotics in about 10 years. But I also didn’t get covid until after those.

The only person I know who’s been sick more often is my coworker with an infant and preschooler in day care. I think that’s the case for most people. Note we were sick a lot more when my kids were little too.

5 - no for this. Everything I had got knocked out immediately with tamiflu/antibiotics.

Not sure to put here or travel thread, but I am on a plane now and took a flight earlier (atl to ny). On the earlier flight maybe 10 percent had masks, but only one person had a kn95 . I even saw a mask below the nose the whole time. I was unable to determine how many have a proper mask on my current flight with 200 passengers but not many.
I do think about what happens if i get sick while in a foreign place, and packed tests and zinc/C. I would wear a mask on the flight home if i did not feel well , and not sure if i tested positive what i would do.

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No, I have not at all been seeing this. I do also have a dear friend who passed in a case like you mention #1, but that was 2018.

Hi Donna!
‘lmd226’ seemed familiar to me, but I didn’t remember who it belonged to until your sign off. Glad to hear you and your son are doing well.

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Every Illness that has happened since Covid is NOT related to Covid!! I’m sorry, it just isn’t. I’m sure I will get chastised for saying that, and saying that does NOT mean I don’t think there can be after affects from Covid. I also can name several instances of some of the above noted issues that happened after the vaccine, including 3 in my family, yet, “oh no, it couldn’t possibly be the vaccine”

  1. No
  2. No
  3. No
  4. Yes, but I only do PCR tests, and they were negative. (And the pink eye was from seeing my grandson who picks up stuff at daycare. Had a telephone call with my GP who prescribed common antibiotics and the gunk eye was gone in a day.)
  5. Yes, but I only do PCR tests, and they were negative. (3 PCR’s over 4+ weeks, all negative. The odds of them all being false negatives is less than winning a $bn Powerball.)
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which is the whole point of Facebook’s (and other social media and other portals’) algorithms. You’ll see pages assembled based on your previous interaction with those sites, to entice further interactions (clicks) for longer visits.

The closed feedback loop is how revenue is generated, while everyone using these sites gets a differently distorted world view. (Needless to say, I don’t “follow” social media accounts, I have a life. :wink: )


I don’t think anyone can rule out that possibility.
It’s just that various studies have repeatedly shown that the incident rate in vaccinated populations was less than incidents after a CoViD infection.

So even if there was such a correlation it would still makes sense to take the path with the lower outcome.

I’m not being snarky, but I’m kind of wondering where anyone expects this thread to go?

The debate will forever continue and I guess that’s ok, but will any minds get swayed or changed?


No where.

I for one, hope that people continue to share their experiences and thoughts. I’m interested in hearing about the experiences of people and hear their thoughts, especially if they differ from my own. That’s what makes CC a great platform. Thanks everyone for contributing. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I totally agree. Every few months, the Covid knowledge and experience changes. I think it’s really good to have a place to reflect, compare, contrast, etc.

This is from a friend who posts about Covid. We are both single mothers by choice, with grown children.


Well the path with the lower outcome for me and several other close family and friends is no more vaccine because I had a severe reaction to the vaccine. My mother had a stroke after a booster. My brother was hospitalized with stroke/heart symptoms after the vaccine. Close friend had myocarditis after vaccine. I know many other people who are saying no to any more vaccines. I don’t know anyone who has had long Covid and almost everyone I know has had Covid.

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Small world moment. Robin has always written so well, and her posts about Covid have been very valuable.

Oh, I’d missed it was her too–greetings, Donna!

I respect your post completely. I have heard similar stores and yet those people are in fact shamed for speaking up from their own families and/or on social media. I don’t think we know all there is to know, nor do even think “scientist” or “doctors” know all there is to know. I think we should ALWAYS question things and do what feels right to ourselves.