Who here has not gotten COVID? Who has long COVID?

COVID-19 is caused by a virus, so “viral infection” would be a correct (if overly broad) description. However, lots of other things could cause similar symptoms, so “COVID-19-like symptoms” could be due to something else.

Was he tested for other things like flu, RSV, etc.?

I had two really severe upper respiratory infections in December 2019 and February 2020. I was really really sick both times. I became convinced (or hopeful, really) that I’d had Covid. I thought if I’d had it already, I would be immune and wouldn’t have to be frightened of getting it. Whenever the first tests for antibodies became generally available, I immediately got tested. The results were negative, and I admit to being disappointed. Now we know that prior infections do not provide lasting immunity, so it will always be something to consider when going out and about. I’ve had all vaccines and have had a mild bout of Covid only once, a year ago this month. Dh still hasn’t had it.


Not sure about RSV or flu - good question. Interesting though that they did a mono test. The taste/smell factor as far as I’m aware is largely a covid symptom.

How many attendees were masked? How long was the meeting, and how close were you sitting to anyone unmasked? Also, was there eating and drinking?

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I’m curios - for those stating they’ve had ‘all their shots’…what does that mean these days?

I’m a few days shy of 64. Had the original 2X Pfizer and then at the request of my, at that time pregnant D, H and I took a P booster. I got COVID August 1, 2022. H still hasn’t had it but he took another booster (bivalent I think) in October 2022 before a long international trip.

I’ve read of people who have taken 5+ shots. When booking a cruise vacation for July 2024 the agreement states you must to be ‘fully vaccinated’, yet there is no definition. When I went for a mammogram a few months ago I was asked whether I was ‘fully vaccinated’ (although it was NOT a prerequisite for treatment). The person at the sign-in desk had NO idea what that statement meant. Neither did the sign in person at the ER where my husband had a recent visit (power tool vs finger, finger got the worst of it).

We just had the 6th shot - Booster to the booster? No side effects except sore arm. Eligible due to age. We decided to get this booster several weeks before flying to DD wedding, hopefully providing extra protection for both for the flight and the wedding.

I did catch the original Covid. Not hospitalized but not fun. I took every precaution available at the time – but had to fly early 2021. Due to timing, there was no doubt in our mind when it happened (either on the plane or a VERY crowded gate connection). DH never got it (and at the time we were living in a tiny 500SF apartment).

Long Covid? Not that I know of. Brain fog continues, and that’s my excuse :wink:

In the absence of anything else specifying what “vaccinated against COVID-19” means, if you are in the US, you may want to use the CDC recommendations as the guide: Stay Up to Date with COVID-19 Vaccines | CDC

Currently, the CDC recommendation for adults is to have gotten the latest booster. Note that getting the latest booster does not depend on any prior vaccine doses.

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According to the CDC, you are “fully vaccinated” if you completed the primary series, which they differentiate from being “up to date.” So for the MRNA vaccines, if you had the two shots from your initial vaccine series, you are “fully vaccinated” even if not optimally protected.


I have a friend who got the J&J vaccine in the Spring of 2021. Even though it was recommended that she receive an mRNA booster, I believe she was considered fully vaccinated. She did get the bivalent booster last fall.

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I’ve had 6 shots, last one was in March. I was at 2 unmasked events before I started symptoms. Thursday, I had a meeting that I led for 2 hours where were were all eating in small room with 5 people. Friday, huge gathering for 80th birthday with H & maybe 200 people for many hours. I felt pretty ill after that party but mom’s funeral was Saturday with several 100 more people and I wire a mask during entire visitation and also at burial but did eat refreshments and then a lunch with 100+ people afterwards.

Tested + 6pm after returning from Saturday funeral. Plenty of opportunities to get ill. Another guy at our table on Friday huge party tested + for covid after party too. No one else reported testing + after funeral so far, including extended family, who also had baby shower on Sunday (which none of us attended).

Looks like hybrid immunity is very effective even for older people, and even if Infection and vaccines were against earlier variants. Infection only immunity is very effective in many cases, but less so against BA.5 if infection was a pre-Omicron variant. Vaccine only immunity depends on doses, and most vaccine doses were against the ancestral virus.


Includes a graph of effectiveness versus hospitalization.

I do not plan on any more booster shots…unless there is a non mRNA version. Just got back from a business trip. I wore a mask on the plane and thru most of the airport.

Still using Enovid several time a day during travel and at least once a day while home. Also using mouthwash with Cetylpyridinium chloride, twice a day while home and usually an additional time while traveling.


I, my spouse, and kids have not have covid that we are aware of. I was very careful, but have not been masking in the last 2 months or so. But also not going to concerts with 10,000 people!

Well S now has covid so all 4 of us have it. Shucks—it was a long run while it lasted! The paxlovid is working great! I’m feeling much better! I felt awful 1st day—couldn’t keep anything down. After that, started using ginger capsules and have been much better since.


Hope your husband and kids are ok as well.

They are doing pretty well—they’re a day behind me on dosages as they didn’t test + until 2 days later and S was 3 days later. He’s only had 1 dose paxlovid. Everyone’s mostly exhausted, achy and H had shooting pains that when away when he started paxlovid.

You are probably aware of this, but watch for a rebound. When I had Covid at the end of May, I took Paxlovid. Husband had been sick for a few days and finally had a positive Covid test the day before I started feeling sick. I immediately went to the urgent care, tested positive there, got Paxlovid, and started taking it. I felt really, really awful for about 24 hours, worse than the worst flu I have ever had. About 24 hours after my first dose of Paxlovid, almost like a switch went on, I felt better. I felt basically normal while I was on Paxlovid. Everyone else in my house, who did not take Paxlovid, continued to feel ill, but it was like I wasn’t even sick.

However, after I finished my last dose of Paxlovid, I got sick. Some symptoms were milder than when I first felt ill, but the fatigue, upper respiratory symptoms, heart palpitations, and lung problems started. The cold like symptoms went away in about a week. But the really terrible cough and feeling like I couldn’t breathe lasted for about a month, and I still don’t feel like my heart is quite right.

Hopefully that will not be your experience! But I know it can happen, because it happened to me. :disappointed:

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Thx for warning, plus some unlucky folks get rebound and long covid w/o paxlovid. We are taking it easy and not planning ANYTHING. My docs will order another order of paxlovid if we need it.

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In fact, just read a report that rebound rates of folks who don’t take paxlovid are about 30%, which is higher than those who take paxlovid.

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The Thursday meeting seems suspect, but it was only the day before you felt pretty ill after the big b’day gathering. I’m curious as to why you didn’t test when you felt ill after the Friday b’day party? If you’d tested positive then, would you still have attended your mother’s funeral on Saturday?

Did you unmask for refreshments and lunch after the visitation and burial? Was this an outside event?