Who here has not gotten COVID? Who has long COVID?

Thanks for sharing that. Just ordered the tests.


@Marilyn - thank you for sharing. Tests have been ordered and the link sent to both girls to order for their homes.

Oops, wrong thread!

@Marilyn Thanks for the free test link.

@compmom I hope you feel better soon. To answer your question we were vaccinated with the booster in September before a wedding celebration. I hate it when my heart is racing. My mom had AFib so it’s something I am conscious of. I can’t do too much caffeine or it makes my heart race. I also have a tendency to high blood pressure and get anxiety around that which makes it higher. I take meds for it and that helps. Hope that the COVID will leave you alone soon!

I emailed my entire art class of 8 people because the teacher wouldn’t, and 6 responded that they now have COVID. One tested positive right after class! Super spreader!

I am having afib when I get up and okay in bed. It’s scary. In the ER I had it going in, because I was up, but two EKG’s were done while lying down so they looked normal. So the cardiologist must have thought I was okay and even tried to cancel the appt. I already had. I am not okay.

I hope the cardiologist will take you seriously. Do you wear an Apple Watch? It can track AFib and high heart rate both. Can also do your blood oxygen levels. Hope it resolves soon. Does lying on your left side help? I know that is supposed to help with high blood pressure.

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blood pressure isn’t high
I use a Kardia :slight_smile:

I am keeping you in my thoughts @compmom .


Did you email the teacher so she could let the class know you have covid so can’t attend? Or do you think you might have gotten covid from the last class session? I’m not sure how the art class fits into the picture.

Please keep us up to date on how you are doing. I had no idea Paxlovid could affect the heart.

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Seven out of 8 at the art class have tested positive for COVID. One tested positive the day of the class, presumably after the class, so he must be the one who brought it to the class. The class was last Thursday.

When I tested positive on Saturday, I emailed the teacher and said I was telling her so she could let the whole class know that I had tested positive. I told her I didn’t know if my positive test meant that someone else in the class had COVID at the class, or if I somehow brought it in myself (I am super careful but had been to the dentist).

In either case, especially with Thanksgiving coming up, I thought if people knew there was COVID in the class, they would test before seeing vulnerable family members.

The teacher did not email the class. She just said she had not heard from anyone else. She didn’t get it. Yesterday morning I used her group email to email the whole class that I had tested positive on Saturday. One by one they answered me that they also had COVID. If I had not emailed the group, none of us would know that others had it.

At least one had not been feeling well and because of this communication, decided to test. Contract tracing isn’t done anymore but consider if all 7 of us had gotten together with family and friends while contagious but not yet testing.

My heart is improving off Paxlovid. I need to report this to MedWatch and to the ER doc who told me to keep taking it when my gut told me it was harming me. I wish I had not taken those last two doses after the ER.


Ah, now I understand. I thought you’d figured you had gotten it from the dentist. So you were masked and got it at the art class?

The art teacher is one of the many who “don’t get it.”

I was shocked yesterday to learn that a family member will be traveling over Thanksgiving, even though the mother got covid last week (probably from a gym), then her very young (> 2 months old) baby got it, and now the father has it. They will be traveling to multiple family events. I doubt the family member who got it most recently will mask all the time, as he should be doing after the 5 days of isolation (last day of that tomorrow? Or he might be traveling during isolation!). The mother is glad the baby got covid and not the flu, as covid is “mild now.” ?! I don’t think she got all the covid vaccinations, and I don’t think she is concerned about RSV.

Well, I won’t be at any of these family events, as this is in another state. I think it’s just an example of how people just don’t care anymore.

I am so glad that your heart is improving off Paxlovid!

The behavior you describe is shocking. But I hear about it all the time. Presumably my art class colleague, who tested same day after the class, had symptoms but attended class anyway. I remember a chart that showed how that can ripple out so that at some point one of the ripples hits a vulnerable person who dies!

I am reporting the Paxlovid reaction to MD’s and MedWatch and/or asking PCP to do it. I found that FDA warning online about Paxlovid affecting the heart’s electrical system but the ER doc told me to keep taking it. It’'s a strong drug and not a panacea

I’ll be having Zoom Thanksgiving which is fine. I feel like I am in a fishbowl, can’t see anyone or shop for food etc. but as heart gets better I will take a nice walk! Be well!

Hoping for a lovely walk for you as your heart gets better!

Just reported this to MedWatch!


I just canceled the rental car to go to go to MA to see family. I woke up feeling awful. A lot better now after OTC meds and coffee. But no way I will feel up to driving from Brooklyn to MA and back (in the snow!). Oh well, no in-person family Thanksgiving but at least I just saw almost all of them.

Glad you are feeling a little better @compmom. DH and I finally tested negative today. He got it around the 5th. Took a long time to finally get that negative test. I got it a day or two after him.

We’ll see if COVID gets worse without Paxlovid :slight_smile: @Sweetgum that was a long time! It’s lockdown in reverse here!

I feel more emotional than usual. My daughter said this is “a thing” with COVID. I think my first symptom was not being able to think of the term “tissue paper” and other memory issues. Weird.

It has been a long time, but we only really felt sick for about a week of it. Just had a lingering annoying cough and post-nasal drip after that, but otherwise felt pretty good. I have just been waiting for that negative test since D22 and her girlfriend are home for Thanksgiving break and it’s difficult to try to stay masked and separated in the house.

The COVID was bad for 2 or 3 days and then started to improve slowly. Then one day about a week later I just felt almost normal over night.

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My art teacher, the one with 7 out of 8 students now with COVID, has it herself. I was on the phone with her and asked if she was still going to do Thanksgiving and she said “it is a small group so yes, probably.” She tested positive yesterday! I don’t get it.